With Black Friday just a little over a month away, it’s time to start revving those engines to prepare for the big day! Even if you aren’t an experienced Black Friday shopper, it’s beneficial to learn all you need to know about the year’s biggest sale ever. There’s the general rules of all of the sales combined, like going as early as possible and having a solid plan on what to hit – and then there are the specific rules and tips for each individual store that could come in handy. Old Navy is one of those stores where, even though they have pretty cheap merchandise on sale, they still have a good reputation and quality items for people to keep flocking back.
Here’s how to make the most out of Old Navy Black Friday 2014:
Get there early. The saying “the early bird catches the worm” reigns quite true in this case and chances are, you will need all that extra time. That’s not to say that you need to camp outside during Thanksgiving when your family’s all here and the stores open on Thanksgiving evening – personally, I think you should never do that! But keeping in mind the crowds and stock running out, it’s always good to plan to go early.
Look at the ad beforehand. Each store has their ad online, but they are usually posted a day or two it’s supposed to come out! It’s their biggest shopping day of the year, so you can bet on some great deals. Last year’s ad was pretty extensive and had a storewide sale of every single item in the retailer – as well as half off of everything in the store! How awesome is that?!
Make a game plan on what to hit first… and second, and third, and so forth. You might have several people on your list to shop for and need to go to a different store for each person. Look at the sales and see which ones make sense and which ones will be practical.
Use your Old Navy card. It’s not quite proven if you’ll get an even better deal, but it sure doesn’t hurt to open it up! After all, that just means you’re a hardcore Old Navy fan.
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)