Expectant moms always seem to have the delicious glow that makes you look like the most amazing woman on earth (personally, I think it’s sweat but then again I spent the last trimester of my pregnancy in the months of June and July and I live in Florida). There’s just something so magically beautiful about the skin of a pregnant woman. If you are expecting and you want to make the most of this gorgeous glow, here are a few beauty tips that will help you look and feel your best throughout the course of your pregnancy.
Drink Water
The more water you drink the clearer your skin will look. The better you will sleep, the more energy you will have and the more gorgeous you will feel. There is no limit to the amount of benefits you reap from drinking plenty of water during your pregnancy. Did I mention that your baby will benefit as well?
Wash Your Face
The trick is to wash only at night and not in the morning. All day long your face accumulates grime and dirt and germs from your hands, your phone and everything else you can imagine. When you sleep at night your face doesn’t get so dirty and washing it in the morning only zaps the moisture from your skin.
Bye-Bye Frangrance
No, this doesn’t mean you have to skip the perfume (unless you are like me and being pregnant makes you want to gag every time you smell anything, perfume included). This means you need to skip beauty products with synthetic fragrances. They do nothing for your skin or your health. These products contain phthalates, which are hormone disrupters, which cause you to harm your unborn child as well as your skin. Take a few extra seconds in the store to make sure your products are fragrance-free.