You want a credit card, yet the company feels that they can charge you a fee to have it in your wallet. It’s business; we get it. Still, though, with the interest rates that cards charge on outstanding balances, the fees they charge on balance transfers and cash advances and even some of the foreign transaction fees that many cards charge, it’s almost ridiculous how much money these banks make off the average person on an annual basis. With that in mind, we thought we might track down some no-fee credit cards that rock for 2016. We have three that charge no annual fee at all, and some people find that far more appealing than some of the other cards and their bigger rewards and better bonus offers.
Citi Hilton HHonors Visa Signature Card
Without any annual fee, this card is easy to use. You’ll earn 40,000 bonus points when you spend at least $1,000 in the first three months you have this card, and you’ll earn 6 points for every dollar you spend at a Hilton property. Additionally, you get 3 points for every dollar you spend grocery shopping, filling up your gas tank or stopping at the local pharmacy or drugstore. Every other purchase you make is worth two points.
Amex Everyday Credit Card from American Express
No fee here, and there are plenty of other perks that go along with that lack of fee. For example, you will earn 10,000 bonus points for spending $1,000 in three months, you will earn double points on your supermarket purchases up to $6,000 per year and you get a 20% points bonus every time you have at least 20 transactions on your billing statement each month. That’s a pretty sweet deal.
Hilton HHonors Card from American Express
The final card without any fee for you to pay this is great card. New cardholders earn 40,000 in bonus points with only $750 worth of purchases in three months. You also earn 7 points on all Hilton purchases, 5 points at restaurants, gas stations and grocery stores and you earn 3 points on every other purchase. You cannot beat that.
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