If you are a technology fiend and find yourself buying a lot of things at Best Buy, one of the biggest technology retailers, then you might want to look into getting the Best Buy Mastercard. It seems like most big retailers have their own credit cards that benefit and reward you when you shop at their establishment. There are many perks to owning a Best Buy Mastercard, especially if it’s a store that you frequent. It’s definitely worth it to have an account if you shop there often enough for it to be beneficial in terms of rewards. You can actually get rewards a lot faster by using your Best Buy Mastercard, which is perfect to start on before the holiday gift giving season!
Here are some major features and reasons why you should get the Best Buy Mastercard:
– You can either get 5% back in rewards or 18 month financing on purchases for $429 and up when shopping at Best Buy.
– You get free shipping on purchases $35 or more from BestBuy.com.
– Depending on your credit history, you can get a $0 or $50 annual fee, as well as an initial interest rate of either 17.99% or 21.74%.
– You will be a Reward Zone program member, which means that you will get 2 points for every $1 spent at Best Buy or BestBuy.com.
– Once you reach 250 points, you will receive a $5 reward certificate that you can use on pretty much anything that you purchase in-store at Best Buy or on BestBuy.com.
– As a cardholder, you will receive discounts and invitations to exclusive events, like sales and members-only shopping events.
– Returns and exchanges are accepted for up to 15 days.
– You can upgrade your account by spending more, becoming Elite status or Elite Plus status, depending how much money you spend in one year.
(Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)