When a credit card company makes a new offer for some great products, the world immediately seems like a much better place. American Express is good about that; enhancing their offers to ensure that their customers are always satisfied. This week, the credit card company announced that they plan on offering their customers something very new and very exciting in the coming months. It’s called the SimplyCash Plus Business Credit Card, and it’s worth considering if you’re in the market for a new business card.
The SimplyCash Business Card has been around for years, but this is the Plus; and it’s got some excellent new features designed to enhance your new business spending habits. Here’s what you can expect from your new card.
- 5% cash back on purchases at wireless phone services and office supply stores (up to $50,000 per year)
- 3% cash back on your choice of eight different categories (up to $50,000 per year)
- Gas stations
- Car rentals
- Hotel rooms
- Restaurants
- Shipping on online purchases
- Advertising and media services
- Airfare
- Computer hardware, software and clouds computing
- 1% cash back on all other purchases (unlimited)
That’s a lot of money back if you do the math. If you max out your cash back in both categories every year, you’re looking at $4,000 cash back minimum each year since you get 1% cash back on all other purchases.
The biggest downfall for this card is the fact that it does come equipped with an expensive foreign transaction fee. It’s 2.7% of all your foreign transaction purchases, and none of these categories count for any foreign purchases in terms of cash back. If you aren’t looking to spend much time shopping overseas, this should not be a problem for you when you use your new business card.
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