If you’re a frequent traveler or anticipate to be traveling a lot in the near future, it is a good idea to get an airline credit card. After all, you can get offered great sign-up bonuses and can even earn air miles in the airline’s frequent flier program to be put toward free flights in the future. Some even offer additional perks, like priority boarding and free bags. When you decide to get one though, be sure that you are loyal to just one airline, you fly more than five times a tear and you always pay your balance on time. Also, make sure that an airline credit card isn’t the only one you own.
Here are the top five best airline credit cards:
Alaska Airlines Visa Signature Card
If you’re a West Coast traveler and fly on Alaska Airlines just once per year, you should get this card. There’s no limit to the number of miles you can earn. You can get up to 50,000 bonus miles – 25,000 upon approval and then another 25,000 after you make $1,000 of purchases within the first three months you opened the account.
Citi Platinum Select AAdvantage World MasterCard
This is a standard airline card; perks include free checked bags as well as priority boarding. You can earn 2 AAdvantage miles for each dollar spent on eligible purhcases. Your first checked bag is free, you get priority boarding, and a percentage of savings on in-flight purchases. You can also get 50,000 AAdvantange miles after 50,000 and $3000 in purchases where it may have gotten.
Hawaiian Airlines World Elite MasterCard
This card is jam-packed with benefits and bonuses. If you’re planning on visiting Hawaii often (and let’s be honest: you will be!) and plan to travel there on a consistent basis, you should definitely own this card. You can use it to book flights for family and friends – you can share miles across accounts and you also get companion fares. Also, it’s possible to redeem your miles for upgrades. You can enjoy complimentary first checked bag if you use your card to purchase eligible tickets from their airlines.
TrueBlue by JetBlue American Express Card
For those who just want airline miles rewards, this card is unbeatable. If you’re a solo traveler, a loyal JetBlue customer and/or visit the same destination often, you should definitely sign up for this card. You’ll want to use card for all of your JB purchases. After you spend $1,000 in purchases within the first three months of getting this card, you’ll get 20,000 points.
US Airways Premier World MasterCard
If you want a warm welcome to a card look no further! It gives you one of the best welcome packages any card has. The card is best for those who travel to different destinations but also will use this airline. Perks that are included are Zone 2 boarding, first-class check-in as well as two companion fares. Be sure to use the card when booking a flight with the airline. Also, their easy boarding and check-in travel perks you won’t find with every airline card.
(Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)