It may be summer vacation for most kids out there, but it’s never too early to be thinking about back to school shopping! With about a month or so left of summer break, it’ll soon be that time of year again when you need to purchase new backpacks and other back-to-school essentials – so why not start now?! You’ll be ahead of the game and have that much more time to not worry about which ones are the best bang for your buck, which ones are overall better/most stylish/coolest. After all, a sturdy bag to carry all of the school essentials is a must!
Here are five of the best backpacks out there for kids:
1. JanSport
This brand is full of various colors, patterns, sizes and shapes to fulfill many kids’ tastes as well as their needs. When taken care of, JanSport bags are great and reliable for lasting quite a while… which means, kids won’t necessarily need a new backpack the following year!
2. L.L. Bean
The Bean is a great backpack brand, especially because of its lifetime guarantee. These bad boys last for a very long time – nearly forever – and they also come a rolling backpacks.
3. North Face
This brand is known best for their cold weather gear, especially snow jackets. But did you know that North Face also sells backpacks? They have great bags with a number of compartments, which helps keep things organized.
4. Land’s End
This backpack brand is also a known long-lasting brand. For the most part, everything is good without pesticide, which is exactly what their food is made from… no pesticides!
5. High Sierra
This brand tends to do well and it’s reasonably low price tag probably makes it even more appealing! Despite being budget-friendly, it consists of a number of section pockets and comfortable straps. The different patterns for the brand are also quite adorable and bright-colored.
Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images