Are You Ready for Macy’s Black Friday? Here Are Some Tips

Black Friday Shoppers Hunt For Holiday Bargains

The fall and winter holidays are some of the biggest days of the year, beginning with Halloween and ending with New Year’s Eve. There’s the obvious Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas – the trifecta of the fall/winter holidays. But we also can’t forget a major event that many people partake in and for some, it is a serious post AND pre-holiday holiday: Black Friday. Quite possibly the retail world’s version of Christmas and their birthday, it’s the biggest shopping day of the year. The name was actually adopted from an accounting term “in the black,” which denotes a positive profit margin. Many retail establishments tend to break their sales goals in between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and since the specific day falls on the Friday immediately after Thanksgiving, it’s been known as Black Friday. Macy’s is among those retailers that partake in some great Black Friday sales; the important thing is to prepare for it in order to get the best sales as well as get organized in order to get all that you want.

Here are some tips when preparing for Macy’s Black Friday:

– Check out all of the ads beforehand. This will you give you a better idea of which items will have a ridiculous sale and whether or not you can get that item for someone on your list. You might even find yourself seeing an incredible deal for something you may not have thought to get and can make a rational decision on whether to get it or not.

– Compare prices. There’s no shortage of retailers who will undoubtedly have the same items on sale. Look around and see if you may even get the same thing at a better price elsewhere or vice versa – something you may have your eye on at a different retailer may be cheaper at Macy’s.

– Take advantage of the early bird and/or night owl hours. It seems like Black Friday always starts earlier and earlier, often even cutting into Thanksgiving. For those who can’t pass up a good deal, getting to the store as early (or as late at night) as possible, the better. You beat the crowd and get the best deal possible.

– Use your Macy’s card for more savings. Having a Macy’s store card always gives you extra savings, and may give you even more with all of the Black Friday deals. Just make sure you pay the card in full and avoid hefty interest charges!

– Bring the ads with you. It’s always a good idea to bring along the ads, especially when you have planned to get something. While you may not need it, you never know if you just might need proof of something on sale.

(Photo by Rod Lamkey/Getty Images)


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