Dogs are known to naturally loose damaged or old hair by way of shedding. Even though the process is normal for all dogs, the frequency and amount of hair shed is largely dependent on the animal’s type of breed, genetic makeup and overall health. Season is also a contributing factor to the amount and frequency of shedding. For instance, many dogs grow thick coats during the winter which is then gotten rid of when the spring comes.
To have a better understanding on dog shedding, it is important to know that coat fur is the dog’s climate control system, skin protector and a sensory perception. While this is part of their daily life, for us humans it can be a pain to deal with. Nobody enjoys having dog hair all over their house. To that, here is a list of the dog breeds that shed the most.
This is the largest breed of dogs whose origin is in Japan. Due to its mountainous origin, Akita has a coat that keeps it warm. Even though the coat is short, the dog has thick double layer that keeps on shedding constantly throughout the year. Research indicates that the animal is sensitive to certain drugs and prone to a number of genetic conditions.
Alaskan Malamute
This is another large northern breed that was formerly to pull heavy freight in the icy lands of Alaska because of its strength and endurance. Due to the cold nature of the environment, they have a thick double layered coat that helps them keep warm. As a result, they shed a lot of loose hair which falls in small and large clumps at least two times a year. The shedding may last for up to a month. At this time, you need to brush them frequently with an undercoat rake or slicker brush in order to control the flurry of hair. The good thing about the Alaskan Malamute is that it has an odorless double coat.
American Eskimo
It first originated from Northern Europe and belongs to the Spitz family as its progenitors were the German Spitz. The animal is friendly with family members and friends. The American Eskimo’s coat is double layered with a dense undercoat a well as long guard of long hair that grows over it to form the outer coat. Because of this, the breed sheds a lot thus requiring frequent brushing to reduce amount of fur falling around the house as well as to prevent matting.
Cardigan Welsh Corgi
The dog originated from Wales and is among the oldest British Isles breeds. It has a thick double layered, medium length coat. The outer coat has a rough texture that is not wiry to protect it from injurious elements. It also has a thick, plush and short undercoat which provides insulation. Despite the thickness of the hair, the animal does not have to appear fluffy. However, the cardigan heavily sheds off its hair twice every year. The medium length coat therefore needs to be frequently brushed to remove dead and loose hair.
Bracco Italiano
As the name depicts, Bracco Italiano has its origins in Italy. It is commonly referred to as a loyal ‘gun dog’ which is used by hunters in retrieve games like the waterfowl. Because Bracco Italiano spends most of its time running through bush and grasslands, the dog has a dense and short coat whose texture is fairly rough with good sheen. It is a people loving dog and gets along well with kids as well as other dogs. The dog heavily sheds its hair a number of times in a year and you may remove the dead coat using a hound glove.
Belgian Sheepdog
It originated in Belgium and was initially used to herd sheep. Afterwards, the dog was used in police work but is today used for many types of dog sports and work. Belgian sheepdog is devoted, alert and protective. The animal is an exceptional family guardian who devotes his life for the safety of the family. The sheepdog likes playing and working. It undergoes heavy shedding throughout the year to an extend that you may find hair all over in the upholstery, furniture, clothing and carpets. Therefore, regular and thorough brushing is a necessity while bathing when it becomes dirty or when it starts to smell badly.
Chow Chow
It originated from northern china as a guard dog with the initial name being Songshi Quan meaning ‘puffy-lion’ dog. Chow chow has a distinctive look with an independent, proud spirit like a cat. He has a fiercely loyal companion for the right person and downright suspicion for strangers. It may sound very surprising to hear that the dog sheds off his hair on occasionally but that is the plain truth because he has a lot of coat. Its thick coat is subject to a lot of care and takes some time to groom, say one or two hours every week so as to prevent matting. However, they shed once or twice a year. During thorough and regular grooming, you may be filling bags of trashes of hair.
German Shepherd
The German shepherd is intelligent and has a working capability. If trained, the dog can offer herding, drug detection, search and rescue, military and police service, faithful companion as well as competitive obedience. It is one of the most popular breed of dogs in the world that undergoes constant shedding. Despite the fact that it flakes off its hair two times a year, you are likely to see it shedding in between. This has made it nicknamed ‘German shedder.’ To prevent a lot of fur and hair all over your home, you need to brush the dog several times in a week using a good vacuum cleaner. If you are dreaming of a German shepherd, then you need to get prepared for hair on your couches, pants and even all over the house.
Great Pyrenees
They are large and originated from the mountains of Pyrenees in Spain and France where their main task was to guard livestock. Due to the cold nature of the environment, the great Pyrenees developed thick coats. They are considered as heavy or average shedders depending on the environment on which they live. If you are thinking of having one as your pet, then expect hair and fur on your furniture, clothes, and even in your car. Their top coat is thick, and long with rough texture while the undercoat is dense and woolly.
Labrador Retriever
This is the America’s most favorite dog who is regarded as a constant shedder notwithstanding his short coat. Because they are water retrievers, the dog has a thick coat to maintain its warmth and dryness. It is more likely to shed its coat in the shedding season and can pile up the hair everywhere in the house. The breed is an average shedder compare to other breeds. However, the female Labs are said to shed more when they are on heat and when the climate is hotter they will require less hair for warmth.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
This is the dog breed without a tail and a heavy shedder like the one with the tail. It was originally meant to drive cattle thus the need for a thick coat for warmth during the rainy and cold season. You need to get prepared for often vacuum and regular brushing in order to reduce the degree of shedding. In addition, routine brushing makes the coat softer and cleaner.
Siberian Husky
This is also a heavy shedder whose ancestral land is Serbia as the name suggests. They were tamed in order to haul heavy freights in the earth’s coldest places. They have a plush double coat that leaves hair everywhere. Most of them blow the undercoat two times a year especially before the major season changes. It is therefore recommended that you blow your Serbian regularly during the shedding period and at least once a week after he season so as to take control of shedding at home.
Beagle is considered as by professionals as a moderately shedding animal with tightly packed, short and thick coat. This is a dog breed that have short, unnoticeable hair with coats which thicken during the winter season and shed in the spring. As it sheds, some hair will get back to the coat while others will fall out. It is therefore imperative to brush your beagle’s coat regularly so as to get rid of shaded hair from the base as well as those that are loose.
Bernese Mountain Dog
This is a large-sized dog that originated from is slightly longer with a squarely appearance. Bernese is a moderately shedding dog whose coat sheds off all year. However, the shedding is heavy during the spring and in the fall. It is therefore recommended that you brush you Bernese several times a week to help in reducing the amount of hair at your home as well as keep the coat tangle-free and clean.
Border Collie
It is a herding and working dog originally bred in the Anglo-Scottish border to herd sheep. It was much liked for its intelligence and obedience. He has stamina, unlimited energy and working drive. The border collie has a double layered coat with a soft undercoat. It sheds the hair twice a year but excessively in the summer and fall seasons. The hair may stick to the clothes and carpets amongst other things but you have to be ready for this if you consider making him your pet.
Pome is a Spitz type from Germany and Poland. They suit many types of homes since they are affectionate and compact. An old Pomeranian sheds its undercoat and if the shedding stays long enough, the whole of the undercoat sheds to pave way for the new hair to grow. However, you will never see the dog missing his undercoat. Pomeranians are smooth coated and heavy shedders thus shedding their hair almost daily. They experience three types of shedding i.e. puppy shedding, adult Pomeranian shedding and female Pomeranian shedding after weaning.
Shetland Sheepdog
It is also referred to as the sheltie whose main task was guarding farmers, keeping sheep and birds from farmers’ gardens and herding in the Shetland Islands. Shelties have furry, long and dense coats that shed heavily. The animal sheds quite a lot to an extend that you may find hair all over your clothing, under the furniture, carpets, and upholstery. Regular brushing and combing will help keep the feathered coats free from mats.
It is a domestic dog meant to herd livestock and drive them to the market back in Germany. They were later used to pull carts to the butchery. However, Rottweilers became the earliest police and military dogs and the most popular guardians for families and friends. Rottweilers have short hair that are shed heavily during the spring and in the fall seasons due to the double layered coats. They however shed moderately throughout the year.
Old English Sheepdog
It is a large breed of dogs bred in England for herding. They are known for their long hair with fur covering the eyes and face. This type of breed is a heavy shedder and tends to drool. They have fluffy hair that easily trap dirt and debris on the floor in the clothes and furniture. The animal was initially bred to drive sheep and cattle. You should be aware that if you become careless and leave the coat along, the dog is a messy one.
Norwegian Elkhound
It is one of the oldest Northern-Spitz breed. As the name suggests, the animal originated from Norway and served as a hunter, herder, guardian and defender. The breed does not shed too much like other breeds discussed herein but two or three times in a year. His coat is relatively clean and naturally expels debris on the couch, floor and clothes. Weekly or daily brushing will really help in maintaining the coat.