Happy Halloween! Today is the big day in which the kids are celebrating by dressing up and coming home from school with a sugar high, you’re picking through their Halloween buckets for “Safety Reasons” (ie – to remove all bite sized snickers and reeses cups for yourself) and the doorbell won’t stop ringing. It’s a great day, but before you or the kids head out for a night of trick-or-treating, you should keep a few safety tips in mind.
Go With Your Kids
It doesn’t matter how old they are; go with them. You don’t want your kids out at night with all the crazies – and just those dressed as crazies. While you might not want to go with your older children, do go with your younger children even if all they’re doing is running up and down your own residential street.
Create a Plan
Create a trick-or-treat plan for the entire family. Doing this is a good idea because it allows you to know where your kids are, make sure they know where they’re allowed to go and it gives you the power to choose where they trick-or-treat for the evening. For example, if you only want them in a certain neighborhood, create a plan for the entire family so that there is no question (and no stomping or whining in the middle of your excursion) as to where you may and may not go to get candy.
Go Before Dark
One of the best pieces of Halloween advice is to go trick-or-treating early in the evening. Since daylight savings time hasn’t begun just yet, you have a few hours to trick-or-treat before it becomes too dark to see. If you do insist on being out after dark, ensure that you and your children have glow sticks or reflective clothing on.