Okay ladies, if you havent yet, it might be time to test out this totally funky, attention-grabbing nail trend. Stiletto nail styles are more popular than ever. The long and pointy look might seem strange or impractical at first glance, but the more you look at images of these artistic designs, the more creative and appealing they become. Think about it – the more area there is on your fingernails to play with, the more crafty, artistic, and awesome the designs you can do! Before we talk about the rules for pulling off this look, let’s take a peek at how to actually make stiletto-style nails happen!
Youtube beauty guru Notorious K.I.A. has a quick how-to video for creating stiletto nails using Kiss brand nail covers. Unless you have super long nails, acrylic or nail covers will be the way to go for sure.
If you do have long, long natural nails, make the stiletto shape by filing both sides down, making a point in the center. And then give everyone you know tips on how not to bite or pick off your nails because you are an expert at growing those puppies out!
Now, here are the three rules for rockin’ this incredibly dramatic, sexy nail look.
1. Make sure you have a lifestyle that is compatible with having long fingernails. If you have any job uses your hands physically (i.e. waitress, bartender, a medical profession, daycare provider, carpenter), then having super long, pointy nails will get in the way. Plus the nails will break too fast for the effort it takes to get the look.
2) You have to have the personality to go along with the look. Stiletto nails are flashy, sexy, dramatic, and striking. If you don’t want everyone looking at your nails or asking you about them, you probably should stick to a more basic style. Having confidence is key to pulling off this manicure!
3) Now on to your personal fashion sense. If you wear very basic, or more preppy stuff, stiletto nails won’t really go. This look is definitely for more modern, trendy, contemporary dressers.
If you fit the bill, go get ’em girl! This look is super fierce and sexy! That’s why, in addition to their pointy shape, the name stiletto fits the style perfectly. There is no sexier shoe on the planet.
(Lead Image courtesy of Instagram)