Whether you’re a devout gardener or just someone who enjoys planting a few flowers here and there, gardening is a lot of fun; but it is a killer when it comes to anti-aging techniques. The sun’s damaging UV rays can cause a lot of damage to your body and skin if you’re not careful, and too often people forget that gardening is an outdoor activity that leads to a significant amount of sun exposure. If you’re interested in looking young and healthy as long as possible, you’ll want to remember a few things when you’re in the garden.
Garden Early
To avoid the sun’s most damaging rays while you’re gardening, keep this anti-aging technique in mind; garden early. Get out before the most dangerous rays of sun are out. Try heading outdoors around 8 am and heading inside prior to 11 am to help you stay as safe as possible in the sun.
Wear a Hat
Anti-aging techniques often start with your face. It’s usually the first thing people see and it’s clear and obvious when you don’t take care of your skin. To prevent premature lines and wrinkles, sunspots and the potential for skin cancer from ruining your (probably very expensive) anti-aging regimen, wear a hat to protect your face from the sun. This is something you should do no matter what time you head outside during the day to work in the garden.
Always Wear Sunscreen
It’s tempting to skip the sunscreen on a day the sun is hidden behind the clouds and it’s not very hot outside. However, it’s dangerous. The sun’s damaging UV rays are actually a bit more damaging when they’re blocked by clouds, which can cause your anti-aging techniques to go right down the drain. Always wear sunscreen. Don’t forget to put it on your face, your hands and anything else that’s exposed to the sun.
(Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)