How to Get Cheap Electricity Bills in the Winter


The one surefire way to get a cheap electricity bill is to never turn anything on and to leave off the lights, air and/or heater system, and basically to never use your energy. Since that is next to nearly impossible, especially at this time of year when the sun goes down a lot earlier and the temperatures are dropping low both at night and during the day. It’s pretty impossible to never turn on a light or turn on the heater on an extremely chilly night. There are other alternatives of course – easy ways and tips on how to save money from your next electricity bill.

Here are some ways to getting a cheaper electric bill during the winter season:

– Invest in energy saving gadgets. Energy Star items can save you loads off your electric bill – look into getting some this winter! Even switching over to fluorescent and LED bulbs with the help of electricians from companies like S&M Electric can make a difference! Energy efficient commercial water heaters and hvac systems can help you save on your utility bills. Contact companies like On Time Heating & Cooling if you need your heating and cooling system to be serviced or repaired. Also, the services offered by this cavity wall insulation near me will keep my home warm which can lessen the need for a heater and save more money.

– Unplug, unplug, unplug. Many of us are guilty of leaving many idle gadgets plugged in throughout the day, even when we’re not around to use them. According to the EPA, the gadgets burn through more than 100 billion kilowatt hours of electricity nationwide each year. These items include TVs and computers, which are actually the biggest energy suckers. One other alternative is to get an adapter with built-in timers – they go great for heaters and lights. Also, fun fact: putting your computer in Sleep Mode or Hibernate saves just as much energy as unplugging it.

– Limit your use during peak hours. While many of us aren’t home during the day, it’s the night that can cause our bills to rack up. The lights go on, the TV is in use, and we’re turning on heaters left and right. Do chores and things that require energy during off-peak hours instead.

(Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)


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