Does Dye in Children’s Food Cause Behavioral Problems?


Telling your kids they can’t have icing on their cake or anything that looks even remotely appetizing to them isn’t going to earn you any points in the parenting department – in the eyes of your kids. Unfortunately, the effects of children’s food dyes are real. According to Dr. David Katz of Yale, studies have proven that taking the artificial dyes out of kids food helps improve the behavior of children with behavioral issues.

What’s difficult about this revelation, however, is the fact that most food marketed for children – think everything you put into their lunch box on a daily basis – contains these behavior-changing dyes. Almost all processed children’s foods contain artificial dyes. Katz also states that any children’s food with a significant ingredient list is also dangerous to their behavior. Why? As Katz states, these ingredients are chemicals that you’re putting into your child’s body and hoping for the best.

Skip Kids Foods

If you want to see if your child’s behavior changes by removing dyes and artificial ingredients from their diet, feed them a healthy diet. Skip the stuff geared toward kids and feed them the same thing you and your spouse eat – assuming you eat a healthy diet. However, you still need to be aware of what you are eating. Just because your favorites aren’t geared toward children doesn’t mean they don’t contain dyes and artificial ingredients.

One such ingredient isn’t found on any ingredient lists; acrylamide. It’s a chemical compound that’s found in anything cooked at exceptionally high temps, such as fries and many crackers and cookies you can find in the grocery store already cooked and packaged.

The best way to avoid behavioral issues in children is to stick to natural foods such as fruits, vegetables and other items that are either organic or home-cooked with as many natural ingredients as possible.

(Photo by Kristian Dowling/Getty Images)


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