Making your own beauty cosmetics is often a very money-saving and health-conscious practice – one that many of us can and should take a shot at. Sure, we can purchase lip scrubs elsewhere, but they are often laden with chemicals and can be quite pricey, depending on where you go. One option to save money and promote a more healthy lifestyle is by making what we can – and making your own lip scrub can be extremely easy! Aside from saving money, you can also customize it to your preferences, including its taste and color. Surprise your friends and family by making your own signature DIY lip scrub – and maybe even give it as a gift this holiday season!
Here’s how you can make your own lip scrub:
– You will need olive oil, honey, sugar, flavoring, like vanilla (optional) and food coloring (also optional). You will also want to have on-hand a small container in which to store your finished lip scrub in, a teaspoon, and a small bowl to mix your scrub in.
– In your mixing bowl, put a tablespoon of granulated sugar in, which will assist in making your lips smooth. Add the olive oil in next using about a half of a teaspoon, which will help moisturize your lips. Mix the olive oil into the sugar. Add in the honey, putting in just a dribble to help everything stick together. If you are going to add flavoring, this is when you would add it. Some examples would be a drop or two of peppermint extract, vanilla essence, lemon juice – pretty much anything you want. Just be sure not to add in too much, otherwise it’ll be too overpowering; subtle is key. Next, if you choose to add in food coloring, this is the time. A touch of pink or red food coloring should go a long way and give your lips a nice healthy glow. Just a note: you might want to avoid blue, green and/or black food coloring for this one. Lastly, store your finished lip scrub into a small container and enjoy when you need to smooth those lips!
Here’s a helpful video on how to make your own DIY lip scrub:
(Photo by Jennifer Polixenni Brankin/Getty Images)