IKEA: 3 Ways To Save Money

save money at IKEA

IKEA is that store you cannot stop thinking about. You know that the items in the store are not that amazing in terms of what you really want in your home, but you cannot stop shopping. You take your kids, you go without your kids. You wander up and down every single aisle in the store (because you have no choice, really) and you buy everything. You didn’t need a new couch for the guest room, but you bought one. You didn’t need a new coffee table, but you bought one. And you don’t even have a back porch, but you have all the furniture you might ever need for it in case you ever move and get one. One can never be too prepared, after all.

IKEA is an addiction. I know this, because I occasionally go there. The only thing going for me is that I don’t live near an IKEA, so I don’t get there too often. I recently learned that despite the inexpensive prices that the store has to offer, you can get even more discounts if you really want them. I didn’t know it was possible, but it is. Because I know you spend entirely too much time and money at IKEA, I thought I’d help you spend more time there, but less money. I’m sure your husbands will be thrilled.

Go in the exit door

The best way to save money in IKEA is to avoid the aisles that aren’t filled with sale items. Unfortunately, that is a task in and of itself. You can’t just avoid those aisles the way that the store is set up. Except that you actually can, and it is a lot easier than you might imagine. All you need to do is go in the exit doors. That’s the end of the store and the location of all the most discounted and amazing items imaginable in the store. Now you’re shopping; but you’re also saving.

Subscribe to the email list

Did you know that IKEA has an email list that you can subscribe to? All you have to do is go to the website and sign up. You’ll get emails from the store on a regular basis, and each one will detail the weekly sales that IKEA has to offer. Did you know that IKEA offers weekly sales? The store does just that on a regular basis, and the sales are killer. You’ll never save more than you will if you shop the weekly sales. Sign up, learn the sales and shop them. It might not always offer what you want each week, but you will be surprised just how many things that are on your list of things to buy pop up on this list of sales throughout the month.

Join IKEA Family

This free program is one that allows you to subscribe to a number of amazing benefits; each one is better than the one before. Let’s start with the best one (for parents). Your IKEA store allows you to leave your kids in their awesome play facility while you shop for one solid hour. That makes shopping so much more enjoyable and so much more fun. When you join IKEA Family, you get an additional half hour of child care. Now you have 90 minutes to shop without anyone asking for anything.

You also get a free tea or coffee each time you shop from the IKEA restaurant. Who doesn’t love a free beverage? What’s even better, however, is the knowledge that you also get 90-day price protection on anything you purchase. What this means is that anything you buy that goes on sale for a lower price within 90 days of purchase is eligible for a price difference refund. You take in the receipt and IKEA will refund you the difference.

Finally, becoming an IKEA Family member means that you’ll get to take advantage of special bonus IKEA family price when it becomes available. This special pricing is not available to just anyone, but it is available to those who want to use it. Once you receive notification of the special pricing, you’ll save even more.

What’s remarkable about this program, too, is that it is completely free of charge. There is no cost to sign up for it, and there is no cost to sign up. You can do it online, and it takes only a few minutes. It’s worth the sign-up, even if you don’t shop at IKEA all that often. The savings are immediate, and the extra special bonuses make shopping even more fun. Even if it’s just for the free coffee and the additional childcare, there is nothing wrong with that. You can go into the store, drop your kids off, enjoy your coffee and just relax for an hour and-a-half on days they are making you crazy. Enough said.

Photo by Getty Images


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