Cheap Engagement Ring Shopping; Getting the Quality You Want at a Price You Can Afford

Engagement Rings

You’ve met the woman you want to spend the rest of your life, and now it’s time to ask her to be your wife. The only problem is that you don’t want to go into great debt to purchase an engagement ring, but you’re working on a budget. It’s okay; it’s actually a really great indicator of the type of husband you’ll be that you’re already concerned with savings, spending and the future. However, that does not mean you’re looking to purchase a faux diamond on the internet with which to propose. You still want to give her something beautiful, but you have to figure out how to do that with a budget.

You might have heard that you have to spend two months income on an engagement ring, but gentlemen; that’s just not true. You spend what you are comfortable affording, whether it’s a lot more or a lot less. We have a few simple tips that might make the search for the perfect engagement ring a lot simpler. You can, in fact, shop for a beautiful ring that’s affordable and of good quality; and we can tell you exactly how that’s done.

Skip the Big Name Stores

You might want to put a ring on her finger that comes in a little blue box, but your selections will be very limited if you choose to do this. Gorgeous designer jewels are wonderful if you can comfortably afford them, but you are going to have a very limited selection – if any – going someplace like this. You don’t want to get a cheap engagement ring, but you do want one that’s beautiful and affordable.

Don’t Look at Rings Outside your Budget

Just don’t do it. It’s a bad idea from the start. You’ll fall in love with something you know she’s going to love, you’re not going to be able to afford it, and the next thing you know you’ll be filling out a card application for a jewelry credit card that has a 29.99 percent APR and explaining to her that you love her and want to marry her, but now you have to pay off her ring for the next few years.

Consider Estate Sales

The jewelry sold at these is usually classified and appraised as real, and the price is much lower than it is at a jewelry store. It might not be the right choice for you, but it is a consideration. You can also have an old diamond from a family ring reset into a different setting to make it something more appropriate for your future bride, and that will save a lot.

Photo by Paul Gilham/Getty Images


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