Cash back credit cards, business credit cards, balance transfer credit cards; they’re all good depending on what it is you are looking for in a new credit card. We sometimes prefer something a little bit more instantaneous, such as a card that rewards us pretty much right away for being cardholders. For instance, what about a credit card that offers a great sign-up bonus? If you have excellent credit, we have an amazing card for you that offers a great sign-up bonus worth a lot of travel rewards. The Venture Card from Capital One is the card we’re talking about. It’s got a great bonus offer you get practically for nothing, and you get so many other perks with the card that it’s silly not to want to use it.
What We Love
The Capital One Venture card is the kind of credit card that just wants to reward you for being present. This card wants to give you free travel for doing nothing more than spending $3,000 in the first three months that you have the card in your wallet. That’s $1,000 per month you can spend and pay off and get a staggering 40,000 bonus miles. That’s $250 per week for three months. That’s pretty much one trip to the supermarket for me, so I feel like I could get this mileage bonus without making any changes to my already impressive spending habits.
Those miles are worth a lot, too. That’s more than $400 in free travel just for signing up for this card. What more do you want? Oh, don’t worry; you’re getting plenty more. That was a rhetorical question. What really makes this card one that we adore is the rate of return on your spending habits. Lately we’ve talked a lot about cards that offer more cash back or rewards or points on certain purchases and not others or in categories that rotate every quarter.
Not this card. This card offers 2 points for every dollar you spend no matter where you go; and 100 miles is worth $1 in free travel. That’s a nice bit of free travel if you spend your money wisely, which is entirely possible. We love the idea of paying all your monthly expenses with this card and then paying it off using the cash you would have used anyway at the end of each month. That’s thousands of dollars each month for the average household.
Think about it; if you spend $4,000 per month on your expenses such as living and gas and groceries, you’re earning $80 per month in free travel. Let that add up each year, and you’re going to have some seriously free travel headed your way (to the tune of $960 in free travel). It’s worth applying for this card just for that.
There is no annual fee for the first year that you have the Capital One Venture card, either. Even when it kicks in during year two, it’s only $59. That’s a lot less than many other cards charge their customers for their annual fee. Your rewards do not expire, and you can redeem them any time you want for a statement credit on any travel.
What We Don’t Love
This card is pretty good in that there is not much we don’t love. While there are things that we don’t adore, like the fact that Capital One charges an annual fee from the second year forward, it’s not all that much so it’s almost not even worth mentioning. You can earn that back easily if you use the card regularly and pay off all your balance each month.
The only other thing we might consider an issue with this card is that you have to have excellent credit. Good credit and very good credit will not suffice to make this card your own. It’s for the best of the best, which is why it’s got so many perks. If your credit is not there yet, we recommend you take a look at it to see where it is and what you can do to raise your score in the near future and perhaps apply for this card.
Like all credit cards we review here, this one might not be the one for you. For instance, if you are not someone who travels all that often, you might not find this card to be very beneficial to you. If you do, however, we think you will really enjoy this card. Worry not, though; we review many cards and we can very likely find the perfect one for you if the Capital One Venture card is not the one that makes the most sense in your wallet. Don’t settle – and always use your credit responsibly to maintain that excellent credit score.
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