Exxon Mobil is one of the largest companies in the country, and that should come as no surprise to anyone. It’s one of the leading suppliers of gas to the general public, and you see stations just about everywhere. Exxon Mobil offers consumers with good credit an Exxon Mobil credit card designed to help consumers pay for their gas and save a bit of money at the same time. While many might not assume they have any use for a gas card (even if they use gas regularly) it’s not just a credit card. It’s a way to save money. You can save hundreds of dollars every year if you use your Exxon card to pay for your gas purchases as well as other purchases. This is one way to keep more money in your pocket and less in your gas tank. Here’s how you’ll save with the Exxon Mobil credit card.
Personal Gas Savings
You’ll start saving on gas when you purchase at least 45 gallons within one month of signing up for your card. At that point you will begin to see a $.06 per gallon credit on your statements each month. That’s a grand total of $2.70 for every 45 gallons of gas you purchase each month. From that point you will save the same on each gallon of gas up to 100 gallons per month, which could indicated $6 savings each month. It does not sound like much in theory, but it is when you add it up over the course of a year. You’ll save up to $72 per year on fuel purchases.
Commerical Gas Savings
If you have a business and apply for a commercial card, you’ll save even more on gas. The savings here begin at 100 gallons and go all the way up to 800 gallons. So if your company uses approximately 800 gallons of gas each month on its Exxon Mobil card, the company can save $48 per month, which is $576 per year. That is substantial.
Photo by John Gress/Getty Images