Save on Every American Eagle Purchase with your Store Credit Card

American Eagles

American Eagle certainly is not the store for adults of a certain age, but it’s the perfect store for kids and teens looking for trendy clothing their parents will probably hate. Okay, you might not hate the clothing, but some of it is going to make you raise a questioning eyebrow and probably shake your head to the tune of rolling eyes and a long-winded, “Mooooooommmmmm…..” but that’s okay. The American Eagle credit card is going to make sure that you get to make your kids happy after denying them skirts too short and shorts that look more like bathing suits since the savings with this card are so good they let you buy more.

American Eagle isn’t as bad as Hollister or Abercrombie in terms of inappropriate clothing for kids too young to wear it, but the prices are a bit high for most parents. If your kids don’t have a job of their own to pay these prices, you’ll want to save where you can. The store credit card offers a simple way to do that, provided you pay it off in full each month so that you don’t acquire interest. Here are the three best savings you’ll enjoy with this credit card.

15% Off Coupon

When you apply for this card, you will get a 15% savings coupon for your first purchase. That’s a big savings on one purchase, especially since it will likely be one more than $100. Since most store credit cards only offer a 10% savings coupon, you’re doing pretty well with your 15% savings coupon.

Extra Savings

Instead of earning one point per purchase, you earn something called extra savings points. This is a point you get when you spend $25 in store or $100 anywhere Visa is accepted. This point is going to mean bigger and better things for you considering you only need 10 points to get a $10 savings coupon. That’s a lot of savings in very little time, and with very little spending. Essentially, you get $10 off every $225 purchase at American Eagle.

20% Off Coupon

When your birthday rolls around, American Eagle is going to send you a 20% off coupon to use on your next purchase. This means you’re going to save big on whatever you buy ($20 on every $100 you spend) and that’s going to help you out tremendously around the holidays and when it’s time to do a little back to school shopping.

Photo by Tim Boyle/Getty Images


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