Credit cards are certainly necessary but they are also dangerous if you don’t use them correctly. Most people are well aware of the fact that they should never use a credit card if they cannot afford to pay it off at the end of the month. Millions ignore than rule. Others use their cards because they have no other choice when bad things happen; their jobs are lost, their savings depleted and it’s the only way to keep the lights on. It happens all the time, and people can’t help it. However, those who can afford to keep a credit card or are only using theirs because they ‘want’ to rather than ‘need’ to need to keep their spending at bay and only at what they can afford. And if you’re someone who can use a card responsibly without racking up tons of debt, you might want to consider one that offers cash back. There’s no reason you should not get paid to shop; the benefits are certainly worth it and we can tell you which 10 credit cards have the best cash back offers this year.
Blue Cash Preferred from American Express
What makes this card awesome is the fact that you not only get $100 cash back after making $1000 in purchases in 90 days, you also get a free year long membership to Amazon Prime (hello free two-day shipping). You also get 6% cash back on all supermarket purchases up to $6000 per year, 3% cash back on all department store and gas purchases for a year and 1% on all other purchases you make with this card. It’s a great cash back offer that’s too good to miss.
Fidelity Investment Rewards American Express
You get 2% cash back from the start with this card, and it’s a great credit card to have. Why? Because this is considered a charge card. This kind of card is one that you cannot have unless you pay off the balance of the card in full each month no matter what. It’s a great way to keep your debt in check while earning money back. You get $50 deposited into your Fidelity account every time you spend $2500.
Citi Double Cash
We love this card because it really encourages good financial habits and good credit card spending habits. This card offers 2% back on every purchase you make, but you have to work to get that 2%. Here’s how it works; you get 1% cash back when you make a purchase. You will not get the other 1% cash back until you pay it off. That’s right; you get 1% cash back for every dollar you pay off, as well. If this doesn’t encourage you to pay off your card in full each month, what will?
Chase Freedom
This is a card that offers a ton of cash back, so it’s just silly not to use it on a regular basis. If you spend $500 in three months you will earn $100 cash back. If you add an authorized user, you will get $25 cash back. Every three months there is a different category of shops in which you can earn 5% cash back on all purchases made in those shops up to $1500. These change quarterly, but you will also get 1% cash back on all other purchases year round. It’s a nice bit of money you will earn for your spending.
Capital One Quicksilver Cash
Once you open this card and spend $500 in the first 90 days of having your card, Capital One will send you $100 to use as you see fit. Additionally, the cash back offer on this card is 1.5% cash back on all purchases. Unlike some cards, there are no limits as to how much cash back you can earn, so there are more incentives for you to use this card as it will pay you much more.
Fidelity Investment Rewards Visa
You will get $50 deposited into your account for every 15,000 points you earn on this card. That’s cash back that equals a nice return. You get to earn 1.5 points for every dollar spent up to $15,000. After you reach that milestone, you will then earn 2 points for every dollar spent. This makes it far easier to earn that cash back as you use the card more often.
Discover It
This card offers great terms and conditions all across the board, but it also offers cash back. It might not be the best cash back, but combined with everything else the card has to offer, it’s worth the application. For the first three months you have this card you will earn 5% cash back on all purchases you make on gas and any type of ground transportation. After that, you will earn 1% on all other purchases for the duration of your cardholder membership with Discover.
Chase Ink Cash
It’s a business card, but plenty of people are business owners. Spend $3000 on this card in three months and get a $200 cash back bonus. Additionally, all office supply, internet, cable and telephone payments made on this card will earn you 5% cash back. Gas and restaurant purchases are worth 2% cash back and all other purchases are worth 1% cash back. This is good up to $25,000 in purchases.
Bank Americard Cash Rewards
This card offers the same cash back rewards as some of the other cards on this list. If you spend $500 in 90 days you get a $100 cash back offer. If you spend money anywhere, you get at least 1% cash back. It becomes 2% cash back when your purchases include any grocery store purchases and 3% cash back when you buy gas. Of course, you can only get cash back on these rewards up to $1500 in spending, so you will cap out at some point.
Blue Cash Everyday American Express
Spend $1000 or more in 90 days and get a free membership to Amazon Prime and a $50 statement credit on your next bill. Additionally, you will also receive the same cash back benefits as the Blue Cash preferred card from American Express as mentioned above, which could be cash back as little as 1% or as much as 6% as well as anything in between.
Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for American Express