Not all business credit cards are created equal, which is why we try to bring you a simple overview of each one every few days. Business owners face a number of frustrations in the day to day world of business, but finding the right credit card does not have to be one of those issues. We’ve reviewed several up to this point, but not many of them have been suited well for those who own businesses in which much travel occurs. The CitiBusiness AAdvantage World Mastercard, however, is perfect for the business owner who knows travel occurs, and who wants to take advantage of a travel credit card for business and all the perks it brings with it.
What really sets this particular card apart from the rest is that it offers not only business related travel perks, but also business related purchases as perks. You don’t often see both in one card, so we thought this one stood out a bit more than some of the other cards. Like we tell you every single time, this might not be the card for you. If it’s not, check out one of the other business credit cards we’ve provided overviews for and see what each of those has to offer. Our overview of this card is not a recommendation that you use the card, merely a sampling of what the card has to offer and what it might mean for you and your business if it’s what works for you.
What We Love
We love the sign-up bonus you get with the CitiBusiness AAdvantage World Mastercard. When you are able to secure this card in your wallet, you have three months to spend $1,000. Let’s face it; that’s not much for a business owner to spend at all. Once you reach that dollar amount, you are awarded 30,000 bonus miles. When you do the math, that works out to be one airline ticket free of charge as well as two one-day passes to the American Airlines Admiral’s Lounge. You cannot beat the privacy, the free drinks and food and the luxury of that.
We also love that the annual fee for this card is waived the first year you use it, which means you’ll never have to pay a dime to carry it for the first full year. Furthermore, all of your business travel needs are met with serious perks. You’ll get your first back checked free of charge, as well as those of up to four passengers traveling with you. All your in-flight purchases are 25% off the full price, and you always get to board with group 1 even when you’re not seated with group 1. Finally, the biggest perk of all is that so long as your business spends at least $30,000 per year on this card, you will get a free companion certificate flight on any American Airlines flight (in the immediate 48 states) free of charge.
We also love that you get 2 miles for every purchase your business makes with American Airlines and participating business supply stores. You earn 1 mile on every other purchase, and your miles never expire.
What We Don’t Love
One of the things we don’t love about this card as much as other features is the annual fee. While it is waived for the first year, it is still $95 per year after that. However, you will more than earn back that fee if you simply take one roundtrip flight and check your bag each way free of charge. It’s really not so bad when you do that math, but it is worth knowing that you still have to pay the annual fee beginning in year two of having this card.
Aside from that, however, there is not much we don’t appreciate about the CitiBusiness AAdvantage World Mastercard. You might not appreciate this card as much as others if your business does not require much in the way of traveling. However, if you do and American Airlines is your choice provider, you’ll find that this card is well worth the perks. Before you check out this card and decide it is for you, though, allow us to recommend that you make certain that American Airlines is a major provider in or around your city and the cities you travel to most often. Your business won’t get much use out of the card if you don’t have many American Airlines flight options in your area. And, as always, the most responsible way for any business to use their credit card is with the knowledge that the card should be paid in full each month and that employees with their own cards should have appropriate spending limits based on their job performance and their role within the company.
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