One of the biggest factors in determining whether or not you want to apply for a credit card is the reward system offered by the issuing bank. It’s often what causes applicants to choose one card over another, and it’s for good reason. While most cards have competitive interest rates and annual fees, they all have a different reward system, and some are just plain better for some than others. Wells Fargo has a card for everyone; and that’s especially true for those who love to travel and want some travel rewards.
The Wells Fargo Rewards Credit card is one of the best in the market in terms of rewards. Before you submit an application for another card, take one more look at this card. Between the interest rates, points system and additional rewards, there is no card you’d rather have in your wallet. And that’s speaking highly, since there are some good cards out there from which households can choose.
Interest Rates
The rates on this card are very competitive. Of course, you have to have excellent credit to be approved for this card, so that helps. With an introductory interest rate of 0% for 15 months and then 12.15% to 25.99% after that, you’re looking at a good card. The higher rates are designed for those who make a late payment; it can change your rate forever, and those whose credit isn’t quite as high as it could be.
Annual Fee
Most major credit cards come with an annual fee. While some aren’t so bad, this is a card that has many features and benefits, and one of them is a $0 annual fee. This means that you’ll never pay to use this card or have this card unless you have an outstanding balance at the end of each month and interest accrues.
We’ve saved the best part of this card for last. This is a card that has great rewards. Cardholders will earn 5 points for every dollar spent on groceries, at gas stations and at drugstores for six solid months. All other purchases earn 1 point for every $1 spent. Redeeming rewards is as simple as going to the Wells Fargo website and choosing things to purchase, booking travel and checking your rewards balance.
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