The Moon’s allure has captivated humanity for eons, stirring the imaginations of scientists and artists alike. Though it might appear ordinary, it has an immense influence on Earth, from the gentle glow of moonlight to the rhythmic dance of tides. Let’s delve into 15 captivating facts about the moon.
A leading theory for its formation is the giant-impact theory, which suggests that a planet the size of Mars collided with early Earth, creating a cloud of debris that later formed this celestial body. Evidence supports this hypothesis, which was found during the Apollo missions.
Lunar Phases
Its phases depend on its position relative to our mother planet and the sun. Different parts of the illuminated side become visible from Earth between a new and a full moon, leading to various stages.
The Dark Side
Each time we cast our eyes skyward to behold the moon, its appearance remains constant, no matter the vantage point or angle. However, another side remains unseen from our perspective and is accessible solely from space, referred to as the dark side.
Tidal Changes
You’re probably aware that the crescent’s gravitational pull is primarily responsible for tides in the sea. This force creates two high tide bulges in the oceans: one facing the crescent and one on the opposite side.
Effect of Gravity
Like the Moon’s pull influences tides, Earth influences it beyond maintaining its orbit. The effect is evident in the consistent appearance of these markings, known as tidal locking, visible each night.
Moon Is Moving Away From Us
The Moon and Earth are engaged in a cosmic dance for approximately 4.5 billion years. However, the orbits of these heavenly partners have transformed over time. As the Moon gradually moves away from Earth, there will come a distant day when humanity witnesses the final total solar eclipse.
While many of us envision this heavenly body as desolate and lifeless, that perception isn’t entirely accurate. Although predominantly inactive, it isn’t devoid of movement. Similar to how earthquakes shake regions of our globe, they experience seismic activity, known as ‘moonquakes.’
Solar Eclipse Are Cosmic Coincidences
The Moon’s dark silhouette perfectly obscures the sun during a solar eclipse. This phenomenon’s precision and the apparent similarity in size between the sun and Moon are remarkable when the opposite is true. In reality, tens of millions of moons could fit inside the sun.
Effect Of Earthshine
On a clear night, you might observe that while only a portion of this sphere gets illuminated, a faint glow outlines the rest. It is a phenomenon known as Earthshine. Similar to how the Moon reflects sunlight to create moonlight, the Earth also reflects sunlight, casting a glow onto the Moon’s facet.
The region lacks a substantial atmosphere and air. Nevertheless, astronauts sensed a peculiar metallic scent on the lunar surface, reminiscent of burnt gunpowder. The odor clung to their spacesuits, equipment, and the samples collected, becoming detectable once they re-entered an environment with air.
Due to its sparse atmosphere, it offers little resistance to incoming asteroids, meteoroids, and comets, resulting in a constant bombardment that creates countless craters on its exterior. Over billions of years, these impacts have pulverized the region into fragments, ranging from massive boulders to fine powder.
Temperatures here soar up to 260 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and plummet to a bone-chilling -280 degrees Fahrenheit at night. However, amidst this harsh environment, there are intriguing pits where temperatures hover around a comfortable 63 degrees Fahrenheit.
In 2018, NASA made a groundbreaking announcement confirming the presence of water in minuscule bubbles within the soil. This revelation shattered the long-held notion of its arid nature and ignited enthusiasm for investigating the orb as a potential water source for upcoming ventures.
The core is relatively small compared to other terrestrial bodies. It consists of a solid, iron-rich matter with a radius of 149 miles surrounded by a 56-mile thick shell of liquid iron. Did you know this sphere once hosted active volcanoes, which are now dormant?
Only 12 Have Visited the Moon
Being the sole planetary body visited by humans throughout history, only 12 individuals have set foot on it, Neil Armstrong being the first. Due to such exploration activity, it is now cluttered with remnants of past missions, including nearly 400,000 pounds of debris.