When a woman gets engaged it’s natural for her to want to start the process of planning her wedding right away. However, there are a few things she needs to hold off on, at least for a little while. Before you start to panic at the thought of not planning your wedding right away, remember that there are a number of things you can do immediately after the ring slides onto your finger; just avoid doing these few simple things for at least a few weeks after you say yes.
Choosing the Bridal Party
You can call all your best friends immediately and tell them all about your proposal, but wait before asking them to join you on your big day. Unfortunately, engagements bring out the worst in many women, and you might realize before too long than some of the women you wanted in your wedding might be more suited to simply coming as a guest.
Dress Shopping
Sure, it’s recommended that you buy your dress six to eight months before your wedding. However, that doesn’t mean you need to go out and shop right this second (unless your wedding is in the next few months, of course). You’ll be surprised how much your tastes change from the day you get engaged to the day you actually go dress shopping. You don’t want to make your purchase too early and end up wearing a dress you loved a long time ago, and wish you’d never purchased.
Choosing Your Guest List
This is not something you have to do immediately. All you need is a rough estimate of how many guests you’d like to invite and can afford to invite so that you know what to look for in a venue. The people you want to invite to your wedding right now may not all make the cut in a year.