15 Ways To Make A Man Obsessed With You

Jacob Lund/shutterstock.com

There are at least 15 ways to make a man obsessed with you. Men aren’t that tough to attract as long as you’re genuine.

Listen to them


The point is stressed when it comes to men listening to women, and the opposite holds true. If you want a man obsessed with you, then listen to what he has to say.

Show interest


Too many people play games that make little to no sense. A man obsessed with a woman wants to know that she finds him interesting, and will do more than just flirt and offer nothing in the way of reciprocation.

Find your common interests


This should come easily to a lot of people since if you don’t have any common interests, then don’t expect him to be interested. Physical attraction only goes so far, since having a few things in common can make a man obsessed with you simply because he finds you interesting.

Show vulnerability


This doesn’t mean that you need to cry and become a slobbering mess in front of him, or act like a wounded bird that needs help. Show that you have a soft side, that’s all.

Find a way to make him smile


Men do like to smile; it makes them feel good. Give them a reason and you’ll find that getting to know them is much easier.

Flirt a little


What this doesn’t mean is that you need to drape yourself over him and act like he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. Be friendly, and be daring, but keep it to a limit.

Create healthy boundaries


Make sure you both know where you stand when it comes to a budding relationship. Boundaries aren’t always meant to keep people out, but to help comprehend how far each person can go with each other until they feel uncomfortable.

Show support


It doesn’t mean propping them up all the time, it means being an emotional cheerleader now and then, just to hype them enough to keep them going. A little support goes a long way.

Display confidence


If you’re not confident, how can the man in your life show the same to you? Confidence isn’t just being strong, it’s being able to stand on your own two feet and say that you’re able to take what the world can dish out.

Be reliable


Don’t make plans with a man and then ghost or ditch him. When he depends on you to be there, then be there, and he’ll do the same.

Make him feel attractive


Men don’t always look at themselves as attractive, appealing, or even confident enough to say that they can gain the attention of a woman. But giving them a little encouragement can improve their self-esteem in a big way.

Be a little spontaneous


It never hurts to be a little daring. Ask your man to go on a trip, ask him if he wants to go out for dinner, or better yet, surprise him.

Show your fun side


You don’t have to be fun all the time, but showing your man that you can cut loose and just be fun is a great way to keep him around and interested. Having fun with a man is easy enough since men don’t need much of an excuse to go out and do something interesting.

Make him feel special


Men like to know that they’re appreciated and that the things they do are good enough for the people in their lives. Let him know that he’s special to you now and then and he’ll light up like a high-watt bulb.

Maintain your independence


Don’t lean on him, no matter what you do. If your dream of a perfect man is one who takes care of you entirely in every way, then you’ll be looking for a while.


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