There are at least 10 texting rules to follow when dating someone new. Texting is okay, but there is such a thing as decorum.
Did you text them already?

If you have, then put the phone down, and back away. Unless the constant back and forth is the dynamic you develop, all you’ll end up doing is bothering them, or freaking them out.
Do you have a reason for texting them?

If it’s ‘just because’ then it’s possible to make them special while doing this. But it’s just as possible that you’ll be wasting time and their patience.
Have you been on a date with them yet?

If the answer is yes, then go ahead and talk about something you remember. But do your best to not act too invested just yet.
Are you interested in them?

Then yes, text them. Use moderation and make a move. Or, play off of their move and keep it light initially.
Who texted first, you or them?

If they texted you, then take a little time to sort out how you feel. You don’t want to be too eager, but you don’t want to be cold about it either.
Is there something big happening in their life?

If you know about something big that’s going on in their life then it’s okay to give them a text of support or congratulations if it’s warranted. There’s nothing wrong with encouraging or consoling them.
Is it texting, or venting?

Are you texting to vent your frustrations or are you texting to let them know how your day went? Some people will listen to your venting, but others will see this as needless stress they don’t want to bother with.
Is this real or a fantasy in the making?

Is this person your personal fantasy that has yet to be realized or are they someone you can genuinely see yourself with? If it’s the latter then yes, text them when you can. If it’s the latter, back off and evaluate your feelings first.
Are you lonely or are you looking for a rebound?

If you’re lonely then it doesn’t take much prompting to find a way to connect with someone, even if you don’t really share a lot in common. However, this is unfair to the person you’re texting, and to you.
Has this person ghosted you before?

The easy answer is to ghost them right back, just be petty, and have done with it. But the fact is that if someone actively ghosts you then at least ask them what’s up, and then make the decision to keep texting them or not.