15 Products Millennials Are Not Buying

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Ever wondered what is gradually disappearing from millennials’ shopping lists? From canned soup to DVDs, our buying habits are definitely shaking things up. Here is a quick look at 15 products we are leaving behind and why they just do not fit into our lifestyle anymore.

Canned Soup

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Yeah, so canned soup is not really our thing anymore. Most of us prefer fresh ingredients and are a bit wary of the preservatives in canned food. Moreover, cooking has become more accessible with all those meal prep kits and YouTube cooking tutorials, so making soup from scratch is not as much of a hassle as it used to be.

Fabric Softener

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Turns out a lot of us are skipping the fabric softener. It is partly because we are trying to be more eco-conscious and fabric softeners are not exactly known for being environmentally friendly. Also, let us be honest: modern detergents and washing machines do a pretty good job already, so it kind of feels unnecessary.


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Sitting down to a bowl of cereal in the morning is not as common. We are all about quick, healthy options when rushing out the door. Think more along the lines of grabbing a yogurt, blending a smoothie, or munching on a protein bar. In addition, many cereals are loaded with sugar, and we are generally trying to avoid that.


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So, diamonds are not forever for us. A lot of us are looking at the ethics of diamond mining and the whole luxury mark-up and thinking twice. We are more about meaningful experiences or finding unique, ethical jewelry pieces that do not necessarily have to scream luxury.

Gym Memberships

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Gyms? Not so much. More of us are going for specialized fitness classes or just working out at home or outdoors. There is just more freedom to fit exercise into our schedules without being tied to a gym, and tons of apps now offer personalized workouts, which is super convenient.

Manual Cars

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Stick shifts are becoming a rare breed, at least among our crowd. Most of us prefer automatic cars because they are just easier to handle, especially in heavy traffic. And with electric cars becoming more popular, manual transmissions are even less common. It is all about convenience and letting the car do some of the work for us.

Bar Soap

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It might sound odd, but bar soap is not on many of our bathroom shelves anymore. We are leaning towards liquid soaps and body washes; they just feel more sanitary and less messy. You can find tons of cool scents and formulas that are better for your skin type with liquid options.

Desk Calendars

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Remember those big paper calendars that used to sit on desks? Yeah, not so much anymore. Everything’s digital now. Our phones and computers have calendars that synchronize with everything we do and remind us of appointments, so a physical calendar seems kind of redundant and clunky.


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This is a bit of a quirky one, but many of us are ditching traditional mayo for other options like aioli or avocado spreads. Tastes are shifting towards more diverse and often spicier or tangier alternatives that can perk up a sandwich or a salad without the heaviness of mayo.

Ironing Boards

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Ironing boards are definitely not a must-have in every millennial home. A lot of us go for clothes that are low maintenance and do not need ironing. And for those times we do need to get wrinkles out, portable steamers or just hanging clothes in the bathroom while showering does the trick. It is all about cutting down on the chores where we can.

DVDs and Blu-rays

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Streaming has pretty much taken over, right? It is rare to find someone who is still buying DVDs or Blu-rays when you can just hop on Netflix, Hulu, or another streaming service and find thousands of movies and shows at your fingertips. Physical discs just seem cumbersome and a bit outdated now.


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Who writes checks anymore? Between mobile payments, online banking, and apps like Venmo and PayPal, paying with a check feels like sending a telegram. It is all about instant transactions now, which are way more convenient and trackable. Moreover, fewer stores and services even accept them, making digital options not just preferable but often necessary.

Landline Phones

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Do any of us even have a landline anymore? Our cell phones are with us all the time, making landlines pretty much obsolete. They are one of those things that have just naturally phased out of our daily lives as mobile technology keeps getting better.

News Magazines and Newspapers

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This might be a tough one for the purists, but digital media has largely taken over. Why wait for the daily paper or a weekly magazine when news is constantly updated online? We are getting our news on the go, through apps, social media, or news websites, which provide real-time updates.

Incandescent Light Bulbs

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Lastly, those old-school incandescent bulbs are a no-go for most of us. They are not energy efficient, and with all of us being more environmentally conscious, LED and other energy-saving bulbs are the standard now. They last longer and use less power, which is good for both our wallets and the planet.


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