The Pregnant Hospital Bag Checklist


The list is different for every single woman who has a baby, but there are always a few exceptions to the rule. I consider myself an expert at packing a hospital bag when pregnant considering I’ve had four kids in three pregnancies in the past six years. A Date With Baby and Early Reveal offer DNA gender tests as early as 7 weeks via a finger prick; learn more here:

Packing for the hospital is my superpower. The honest truth is that you’re going to pack about 30 things you don’t need, but the trick is not to forget the things you do need. Here is a great checklist for you to use when packing your hospital bag.

Your Clothes

You might think you don’t need much, but you do. Plan for at least three days in the hospital and pack accordingly. It takes about a week or so before your stomach will shrink down to its usual size, which means you’re going to want pack things that will fit a still pregnant-looking body. Yoga pants, leggings and button-up shirts with nursing bras and tanks are all you need (if you have a C-Section, you might want dresses or gowns that won’t touch your stomach). You will want your robe, plenty of socks, rubber flip flops in which to shower and slippers for your room. A going home outfit of your choice is necessary. Just remember that each of your tops should be conducive to breast feeding, if you choose to do that.

Your Husband’s Clothes

Now, this one is not for all women. I’ve heard of some women whose husband’s don’t stay with them in the hospital. Mine always stayed with me for the duration of my stay, and I always packed him casual clothes, shoes and undergarments that matched the outside weather, as well as his personal grooming items.


This hospital room is your home for the next few days (hopefully no longer). You’re going to need your toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, soap, face wash, lotion, deodorant, a loofah, your razor, shampoo and conditioner. You may also want to bring your hairdryer, flat iron and makeup; there will be a lot of photos taken while you’re here (this isn’t for everyone, but it is for some of us). Whatever you do, just remember chapstick. You’ll need it. You’ll also want to pack contacts and glasses, as well as their cases and solutions. You need not bring any feminine products as the hospital will provide those for you.


You’re going to want a few extra things, probably more than I put on this list, but definitely the things I put on this list. You will need your phone charger, your camera, extra batteries, your address book if you have people to call that aren’t in your phone (or just add them now and forget this step), your driver’s license, your insurance card, a check, a debit or credit card, and even a little cash. You’ll want some magazines, some books, and even those thank-you cards you need to finish from your shower. You’ll have plenty of downtime here to get those taken care of. You may want you iPod, iPad, laptop and any CDs you want to listen to in the delivery room. Do not forget to pack nursing pads; you will need these.

For Baby

For baby, you will need to pack several items. You have no idea how big your baby will be, so you’re going to want a few options in different sizes from preemie to 3 months (trust me, I had a 3 lb and 5 lb twin and my best friend had a 12 lb singleton. My babies are four months and just starting to wear 0-3 month clothing and her baby never wore anything smaller than 3-6). You might want to include a few blankets, hats, and a going home outfit that’s special to you. You might also want to bring your own pacifiers and your own swaddlers.

(Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)


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