25 Facts About Cats

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Cats are mysterious and intriguing creatures that have captivated humans for centuries. We love them however they are. There are some amazing things about cats to know. Here are 25 facts about cats that might surprise you. 

Cats Are Crepuscular

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You might think your cat is just lazy and loves to sleep all day, but that is not the case. Cats are actually crepuscular. This means they are most active during the early morning and evening hours, around sunrise and sunset. So, when you see your cat napping throughout the day, remember it is just following its natural instincts.

Purring for Comfort

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Cats are known for their soothing purrs, but did you know they purr for more than just satisfaction? When your cat feels threatened or scared, it may purr to reassure itself and find comfort. Some studies even suggest that the vibrations from purring can help heal wounds and illnesses in cars. 

Cats Can’t Taste Sweet

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We humans love indulging in sweet treats, but think about it cats cannot even taste sweet. Cats essentially lack the receptor gene that allows us to taste sweetness. This receptor is unique among mammals. It is for the same reason that cats never steal your candy or sweets, unlike dogs. 

Tactile Sensing with Whiskers

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Cats use their whiskers for something more than just looking cute. Whiskers are nothing but sensitive hairs that help cats to navigate their surroundings. They do it through a process called tactile sensing. Using this very sense, cats can easily pass through narrow spaces, sense prey, and detect any obstacles. 

Amazing Sense of Balance

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Have you ever wondered how cats always land on their feet? It is their incredible sense of balance and an involuntary reflex which is called the “righting reflex.” When cats fall, they can even tuck and somersault in mid-air so they can land safely on their feet. It is a remarkable thing about cats and their agility.

Left or Right Pawed

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Just like humans have a dominant hand, cats have a preferred paw. Some cats are left-pawed, while some are right-pawed. If you look carefully, you will notice that your cat favors one particular paw when reaching for toys or grooming. It is quite a fun little quirk about cats that we simply love. 

Over 20 Muscles in Each Ear

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Cats have an extraordinary ability to pinpoint sound sources. So how do they do it? Thanks to their over 20 muscles in each ear that gives them this exceptional power. It is these muscles that allow cats to move their ears independently and locate sounds. Naturally, they are excellent hunters and listeners.

Longest Recorded Lifespan

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Crème Puff is a cat that you cannot not know about if you love cats. It holds the record for the longest cat lifespan, living to the ripe old age of 34 years and 4 months. It is proof of how good care and nutrition can extend our cats’ lives.

Cooling Mechanisms

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Cats have unique ways of cooling down. Some like to pant, while some like licking themselves, and some even sweat through their paws. When temperatures rise, cats generally use one of these methods to regulate their body temperature. It is a massive stress release for them. 

Early Reproduction

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Female cats can start having kittens as early as 4 months old. Yes, you heard that right. While male cats usually begin mating at 6 months, female cats can have babies much earlier. A lot of people believe that this early reproductive age is essential for the survival and growth of cats.

Sleeping Habits

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Cats are known for their love of sleep, often resting for about 15 hours every day. Not only does this behavior conserve energy for hunting and other activities, but it also gives them much-needed rest. Even when they appear to be sleeping soundly, cats remain alert to their surroundings, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice.

Facial Expressions

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Cats communicate a wide range of emotions through their facial expressions. And to be exact, cats have an estimated 276 different expressions. That is exactly how sharp and intelligent cats are. From squinting their eyes to moving their ears, cats use these subtle movements to convey how they are feeling and their intentions.

Hearing Range

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Cats have an extraordinary hearing range much higher than dogs even. They are capable of detecting frequencies two octaves higher than humans and dogs. This heightened sense of hearing allows them to detect the slightest rustle of a mouse or the faintest chirp of a bird, making them skilled hunters.

Whiskers on Legs

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Apart from their fine facial whiskers, cats also have whiskers on the backs of their front legs. These whiskers are also equally sensitive and help cats sense their surroundings even better. Sometimes, these whiskers help cats to squeeze in the tightest of spaces almost effortlessly. They even help cats in detecting nearby objects.

Persian Cats in Ancient Persia

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In ancient Persia, Persian used to be considered sacred animals. The people in Persia treated cats with extremely high regard, and utmost respect. Some people even believed that cats had spiritual qualities and powers. Persian cats are still very popular for their captivating looks and amazingly shiny fur coat. 

Cat Noses and Catnip

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Cats have a unique reaction to catnip due to receptors in their noses and mouths. These receptors help cats to detect nepetalactone, which is a chemical in catnip. Cats love this because the reaction causes a sense of euphoria and playful behavior in them. But then again, not all cats respond to catnip.

Impressive Jumping Ability

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We all know how bouncy and agile cats are. To give you some perspective, cats can jump up to six times their height, which is impeccable. It is a remarkable skill in cats that allows them to easily steer their environment. So, whether leaping onto a high shelf or pouncing on prey, cats are a pro.

Retractable Claws

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Cat claws are retractable, which means they can extend and retract their sharp claws whenever they want. These retractable claws also have a unique feature to them. That is, they help cats protect their claws from wear and tear, unlike dogs. It also allows them to walk silently while stalking prey.

A Group of Cats

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A group of cats is called a clowder. This term was brought to life in the late 1700s and has evolved from the word “clodder,” which meant a “clotted mass.” While “clowder” is the official term, we generally refer to a group of cats as colonies or packs of cats.

Cat Tongues

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A cat tongue is covered in tiny barbs called papillae. And these papillae serve several purposes for a cat. These barbs help cats groom their fur, remove meat from bones, and lap up water. The rough texture of a cat’s tongue is a unique feature that aids in their grooming and feeding habits.

Clicker Training

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Cats can be trained using a method called clicker training. It is a unique approach because it involves using positive reinforcement in cats. These positive reinforcement tactics encourage cats to do as you say and obey your commands. It is a fun process to train a cat and this same technique is even used to train dogs. 

Longest Cat

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The longest cat ever recorded was a Maine Coon named Stewie. And Stewie measured a whopping 48.5 inches in length. By far, Maine Coons are one of the largest domestic cat breeds. But do not take them for the size, these cats are one of the most gentle and friendly cat breeds. 

The Oldest Pet Cat

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Imagine having a pet cat that lived over 9,000 years ago! French archaeologists discovered exactly that in Cyprus in 2004. This 9,500-year-old cat grave predates Egyptian cat art by over 4,000 years. So, we can easily call it the oldest known pet cat. It is almost fascinating to think that our love for cats goes back so far in history.

Wealthiest Cat

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Blackie is the world’s wealthiest cat. And it inherited a whopping £7 million (about $12.5 million) from its millionaire owner in 1988. It was a little hard for us to believe, but it is absolutely true. The fortune Blackie inherited made it a feline celebrity and the richest cat globally. 

Cats in Ancient Egypt

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In ancient Egypt, cats were more than just pets; they were revered and considered sacred. The Egyptians held cats in such high regard that killing one was punishable by death. This reverence for cats shows how deeply they were integrated into ancient Egyptian culture and religion.


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