Three Annoying Things That Moms Do

Not too long ago I wrote a piece about the annoying things non-moms do. Now it’s time to admit that as a mother, I, along with the rest of the moms in the world, occasionally do annoying things as well. Of course, we know that the second we become pregnant we’re going to become insufferable talking about birth plans, and layettes, and cribs, and all that goes with being pregnant, but once we have that baby, we get even more annoying.

Dirty Words

I’m not talking about the dirty words we hope others don’t use around our kids, but the ones that are related to parenting and pregnancy. No one should every use words such as episiotomy, C-section, mucus plug, or placenta in a conversation. I don’t care who it’s with. Those words are gross and annoying, and I’m happy to say I am definitely not one of the moms who ever used those words in conversation.

Kindness Abuse

Your friends and family members do want to hold your baby, but not for hours at a time. When they ask, let them, but offer to take the baby back after a few minutes. If they want to give her back, they will. If they don’t, they’ll tell you that they want a few more minutes with her. You don’t want them to stop offering because you leave them feeling like the new babysitter for what seems like forever.

Putting Baby on the Phone

Of course grandma wants to hear her little grandson coo and gurgle, but not on the phone. Chances are she just wants to say what she needs to say and get off the phone. The baby can’t talk, so why put him on the phone. Of course, I hate talking on the phone with a passion and I prefer that my people text or email me, so if you call I will either ignore your call or punish you by making you talk to my kids for five minutes. You’ve been warned.


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