It seems every season brings with it a myriad of difficulties when it comes to taking care of your newborn baby. The winter makes you worry that you’re infant will freeze and the summer has you worried he’ll become overheated at any moment. With summer approaching, many parents are wondering how they can keep their baby safe, happy and healthy all season. These tips can help you relax and enjoy the weather a little more.
It might seem like a good idea to change your baby’s bed time during the summer since the sun is out so late, but you really shouldn’t. Experts agree that your baby’s bedtime needs to remain the same as children need consistency and plenty of sleep. Try using black out curtains to make your baby’s room appear darker than it is this time of year. You can also help by closing the blinds or curtains to make the house darker.
No matter what you do or where you go, put sunscreen on your baby. This is imperative when it comes to little ones and their sensitive skin. Medical experts to not recommend sunscreen on children younger than one, so it’s safer to use light layers and umbrellas and blankets to block children this age from the summer sun.
Car Safety
One of the biggest concerns for parents is the heat in the car when you go anywhere. Even if you’re driving five minutes down the road, the temperature in your car can be dangerous for your baby or child. To help, try going outside and starting your car, air conditioner turned all the way up approximately five minutes before you leave the house. This will cool off the car and help your child feel more comfortable on your ride. This is especially helpful for baby’s who sit in rear facing car seats.