Any parent knows that one of the least fun parts of parenting is the whole diaper thing. Changing them isn’t fun, checking them isn’t fun and buying them certainly is not a fun process. Diapers are not inexpensive. They’re actually quite expensive when you have to change baby bottoms regularly, and they only get more expensive (and fewer) as they get bigger. When you’re like me and you have 9-month-old twins to diaper, diapers get awfully expensive. Fortunately, my husband and I are have a wonderful group of friends and family who threw us a surprise shower for the twins (our 3rd and 4th babies) before they were born and provided us with hundreds of boxes of diapers and we haven’t had to purchase even one just yet. That doesn’t mean we haven’t purchased diapers; we just haven’t HAD to. So, as a mom who has four kids who were once, or are still, in diapers, I can certainly tell you that cheap diapers don’t exist, but I can tell you how to save money on them.
Use Off-Brand Diapers
I’ll be honest and tell you this is not my favorite way to buy diapers. Even though some of the diapers given to us at our various showers were off-brand and we’ve used them (hey, it’s rude not to use gifts, right?), we still find nothing we like nearly as much as Pampers. However, others swear by them. I believe it has to do with the child and their bathroom habits, so if you find diapers you like in an off-brand, buy them! They’re far less expensive!
Wait for Target Diaper Sales
I love these, and I was introduced to them by another mom on Facebook who posted a photo of 16 boxes of diapers she purchased at Target for $200. I was intrigued so I asked her how, and now we do this anytime the sale happens (and it’s not that often, so you’ll want to take advantage). The sale goes like this: buy any two boxes of Pampers diapers and you will get a $10 Target gift card. Spend $100 on baby items and you will get $20 off your purchase. Use your red card and get 5% off your purchase. Essentially, four boxes of diapers is $100. So for a purchase of four diaper boxes you will get $20 off, $20 worth of gift cards and another $5 off your purchase. That means you’re spending $55 for 4 boxes of diapers. That’s $110 for $200 worth of diapers (8 boxes) and so on.
Buy Them On Sale at Your Local Grocery Store
I shop at Publix, and when Pampers are on sale it’s usually for something along the lines of buy two packages of diapers and get $10 off. I always do that when the sale is here. If Pampers has a coupon in the mail or in the paper or online, add that to the sale. It’s a great way to make diapers just a bit cheaper.
Photo by Tim Boyle/Getty Images