Having a daughter (or two, in my case) is a pretty awesome deal. They’re sweet, cuddly, funny, silly, smart and always fun to be around. Now that mine are growing up, particularly my oldest who is now five, I find myself inspired to spend some real quality time with her as her school schedule and extracurricular activity schedule overtakes our quality family time. Here are three great ideas for spending time with your daughter.
Manis and Pedis
One of my daughter’s favorite things to do with me is go to the salon for a manicure and pedicure. She feels so grown up sitting in the pedicure chair picking out the super cool colors she wants on her fingers and toes. We get to talk, catch up, giggle when our feet are tickled and spend some much needed mother/daughter quality time together. As an added bonus, we always stop for a chocolate milkshake to enjoy while we have our toes done.
As women, there’s nothing more fun than a little shopping spree. When I realize I’ve made several mental notes about all the things my daughter needs, such as new shoes, new shorts a new shirt…I make it a point to plan a shopping morning for just the two of us. She loves the quality time with me, and I love it with her. We have so much fun trying on new clothes and picking out outrageous items to giggle over.
A Picnic
One of my daughter’s favorite things to do is go on a picnic. If it’s raining, we’ll plan one inside. If it’s a nice day outside, I’ll take my daughter to the park or the back yard and we’ll have a picnic. We go pick up our favorite subs and cookies and we sit down on a blanket and eat with the ants. It’s definitely too hot in Florida for my taste, but she adores a good picnic and who am I to rain on her picnic parade?