You hate going to the dentist, so you know that your kids will hate going to the dentist. Even if your child’s dentist is the best one on the block and everyone raves about him, you still fear that your child will walk into that office, realize what’s about to happen and open the children’s version of the floodgates of hell (think bodily tantrums on the floor, ear-piercing shrieks and some looks from others). Before you take your little one to the dentist for a Childrens Dental Cleaning service, use a few of these tips to prepare him.
Go To the Dentist
Let your child go with you on a trip to the dentist for a routine cleaning so that he can see that it’s painless, simple and that you can handle it. He might consider the fact that if you can do it he can well, or he may just want to seem more mature and more willing to do it so that you are proud of him. That worry should go a way after just a few trips to the general dentist, and it should become routine.
Let Him be the Dentist
Kids like to play, so why not play a little game called, “You get to be the dentist” at home. Let your child be the dentist. Let him look in your mouth and pretend to clean your teeth and see what’s going on in there. Once he sees that it’s a fun game he might be more willing to visit his own dentist because he realizes that there is nothing to fear.
Read Dental Books
There are few things in life as effective as reading about your favorite character doing something brave. For kids this includes going to a dentist. Hit up the bookstore or library and find as many children’s books as possible about the dentist and get to reading. You’d be surprised how effective this can be when it comes to handling his fear of the dentist.