Summer vacation will soon be here and with it the cries from kids around the world…. “I’m bo-ored!” Which we all know really means stop what you are doing and figure out what I can do or I will make you wish you had by misbehaving.
Long ago I tired of this problem and solved it. Well… at least as close to solving it as a mother can. But this idea has went a long way in cutting down on boredom and misbehavior in our home.
The idea is The Summer Fun List. The Summer Fun List is a list my children and I make together near the end of the school year that is essentially a wish list of all the activities we wish to do together. The challenge is to mark as many things off as possible. My children LOVE to make this list, which makes their list loving mommy very proud.
What goes on the list? Everything from activities that cost nothing to activities that we doubt we can do but hope we can do.
There are a few favorites that make the list over and over, year to year. My children always add go swimming at the pool and go to the movies. Usually our local dairy bar makes it. Making s’mores is right up near the top. My son adds go fishing and go to the races to the list. My daughter requests manis and pedis with Mommy. I add things for them like bible school, visits to aunts and uncles, etc. When the list is complete it hangs on our fridge and it is our go to place for days that threaten boredom.
Another tip I have in my back pocket is to stock my closet with craft goodies, supplies to make projects and a new game or two. On days I can’t do something with them from The Summer Fun List, this is a good substitute.
Lastly, if all else fails and I am hearing cries of boredom, I sweetly offer to find them some housework to do to occupy their time. Then suddenly there is no more summer boredom.