10 Hilarious Moments You’ll Experience When Feeding Your Baby For The First Time

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The first ‘real’ food a baby consumes is a big moment. It’s one of the first real milestones your baby achieves on the road to toddlerhood. Just know that it’s going to play out a bit differently than you might have imagined. So, here are some hilarious moments that can happen as you try to feed your baby real food for the first time.

Smelling “Real Food”

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Since your pediatrician probably told you to start with veggies, you’d probably worry about the smell of mashed-up peas or carrots. Remember, your baby would feel the same way, and you just realized that you’re about to feed it to them against their will. Happy feeding!

Their “Why, You” Face

Tuan PM/Pexels

If you are not impressed with the real food’s look, it will be visible on your face. Similarly, your sweet little kid is going to make some seriously disgusted or odd expressions as they judge you and wonder why you are doing this. Capture those funny expressions!

The Locked Lips


What’s funny about this moment is the way you’ll resort to getting your baby to open their mouth. Babies tend to close their mouths and lock their lips when they don’t want to eat something. Also, expect some crying along the way.

The Head Shake

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When something unwanted has come too close to their mouth, your baby might spin the head at speeds you never thought possible. It’s hilarious to watch them do it! Don’t lose your calm because those peas and potatoes can go flying all over the area.

Spitting The Food

Helena Lopes/Pexels

Remember when you used to freak out when the baby spat up on you just a little after nursing? Expect the same thing to happen with the food as well. The baby might toss it out the moment those veggies go inside their mouth and show you a shameless (but adorable) grin.

Their “Horrible Taste” Expression

Photo By: Kaboompics.com/Pexels

After forcing that tasteless, pureed food into your baby’s mouth, you might laugh when you see their expression of horror. It’s priceless, and you’re also going to want to take a photo and laugh out loud whenever you see it.

Something That Needs Caution

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Most probably, you’ll end up figuring out how baby food ended up behind the ears of your kid, in those little nostrils, or in between those cute toes. However, make sure the funny spillage scenario doesn’t cause any harm to the baby. Keep it away from the nostrils.

When Cleanup Is Not A Priority

Vanessa Loring/Pexels

Sometimes, the chaos is even bigger. Not only does your baby have food all around the face, but you and the dog do as well. Some of it can also be seen on the 20-foot ceiling and 15 feet away on the carpet. Instead of worrying about the cleanup, take pictures and laugh.

Food Diaper


Do you think diapers would be easier to handle then? No, the mess somehow gets even worse. Expect it to turn into a game of “Not it!” when it’s time for a diaper change. But try to enjoy the game because this stage is a wild ride that’s never going to come again.

The Audience Show

Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

This one might not even involve you—it’s when your kid realizes that feeding time is a performance for anyone watching. Whether it’s a sibling or stuffed animal, your little one might start “sharing” their food or putting on a show of exaggerated expressions and noises.


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