Getting to call your best friend your husband is one of life’s biggest blessings. I am fortunate enough to be able to do so. Even after 12 years together and almost 9 years of marriage, I’m still excited to see my husband when he walks through the door – though not as excited as our little girls, apparently – and I’d still rather spend time with him than anyone else. He’s just great. For those of you who are just as fortunate, you know what it’s like to be married to someone who makes you a better person and makes you want to be a better person for no reason.
Something that I’ve come to realize over the years is that my husband is always giving. He never asks for anything in return and he never complains about giving the girls a bath or picking up their bedrooms or reading the same story 58 times a night. His willingness to give makes me want to do the same in return. He inspires me to be the best wife imaginable – even though I’m not that good at it sometimes – and I thought I’d share three things that we can all do for our husbands every day.
Focus On His Good Qualities
After living together for almost 11 years, it’s amazing to me that my husband still doesn’t understand that our closet is arranged by color as well as clothing type. He still – STILL – hangs everything in the wrong place so that I can never find what I’m looking for. However, instead of focusing on the fact that he hangs things in the wrong place – though I do give him a hard time about it – I try to focus on the fact that he hangs up laundry. This means he’s washing it and putting it away – and that’s what’s important. Choosing to focus on his good points is far more productive for your marriage than focusing on his weak points.
Love Him For Who He Is
I’ll use my husband as an example. He is clean and tidy, and I love that. However, he’s not the kind who really cares if the furniture is dusty or a frame is slightly crooked. I, however, am. I learned long ago that no matter what I say or do or encourage, he will never notice one layer of dust on the furniture (though he will notice it after a week’s vacation) and he’s just not going to dust it every single day. I can’t change that so I just do it myself. Just like he can’t change the fact that I don’t separate laundry before I wash it and I sometimes only unload the dishwasher of clean dishes enough so that the current dirty dishes fit and then I wash them all again; he just does it himself. When you love him for who he is instead of who you want him to be, you’ll be much happier.
Give Him Compliments
How often does your husband compliment you? How many times a day does he tell you that you’re beautiful and gorgeous and that you’re hilarious and you make him smile? Dozens, correct? Exactly. Now, how many times each day do you compliment him? How about telling him how handsome he is when he dresses for dinner or how much you appreciate his hard work or how you never love him more than when you’re watching him brush your daughter’s hair after a bath while wearing a pink tiara and a sparkly tutu over his shorts?