What To Do When You Know You Desperately Need Help With Fashion

Let’s be honest.  Some of us are just not great with fashion.  We need help with fashion.  That is nothing to be ashamed of.  If you feel like you are a total failure when it comes to fashion, here are some simple things that you can do so that you look fabulous.

Read up on fashion.  It is never too late to learn.  There are tons of articles that you can read online to help guide you in the right direction when you need help with fashion.  A good example is the article Need Fashion Help?  Four Styles That Will Change Everything over at Dressing Your Truth.

Ask a friend who is fashion savvy for help with fashion.  If you have a friend that truly loves fashion, then they more than likely will enjoy giving you help with fashion.  They will enjoy helping you because it is like indulging in a favorite hobby.

Hire a stylist.  This sounds expensive but it really is not.  There are even virtual stylists that you can hire to help you from a distant location for a fairly small fee.  Think about it this way.  It may cost you a little bit to hire a virtual stylist but once you learn the rules of what works best for you, you will be saving tons of money by not buying clothing only to find out later that it does not work for you. It is really a way to save you money.

Ask for help in the store.  Yes, the sales associates want to make a sale but they can also tell you which choice looks best on you.

Watch What Not to Wear.  This show on TLC is actually very informative in helping you learn what does and does not look good.

There are many ways that you can find help with fashion and look wonderful in no time.


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