Cheap Nike shoes are ideal, right? Wrong; sometimes a cheap Nike is not a good Nike. What do we mean? Well, we mean that sometimes going cheap on your athletic shoes is not the wisest of ideas. Your athletic shoes are designed to keep you save and keep your body parts in working order, protected from damage from participating in a myriad of activities and athletics. That’s not to say you can’t go out and buy the cheapest Nikes you can find when it comes to athletic shoes you wear just for fun. However, if you plan on going out and purchasing athletic shoes for an actual sport or athletic event, we highly recommend you buy the right shoes for the activity rather than shoes that are ‘cute’ or ‘cheap’ or ‘fun’ since they’re more likely to do more harm than good. We have a list of questions you should ask yourself before you buy a pair of cheap Nikes. These questions will help you make the decision to buy the cheap shoes now or buy more expensive shoes that will be cheaper in the long run.
What do I Need These Shoes For?
If you’re just going to run errands or use them to wear on a daily basis to work or whatever, you can probably get away with wearing the cheapest Nikes you can find. Athletic shoes of any kind are designed to help you walk; so you can’t go wrong wearing them for nothing in particular. They comfortable, cute and fun; and they’re going to get you where you need to go.
Are They Designed for a Sport?
If you are a runner, make sure you’re looking at running shoes. We’re not saying you can’t buy cheap Nikes for running if they are actually running shoes. We’re just saying don’t buy cheap athletic shoes designed for golfing if you’re planning on running marathons while wearing them. That’s all. Make sure they’re designed for the sport you intend to use them for.
Is the Fit Right?
If the fit isn’t correct, it doesn’t matter if your shoes are the right ones or not. The best time to check for the right fit is late in the day when your feet have already swelled to their actual size (did you even know this happens?) to go shopping for shoes of the correct fit.
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