You might be finished with the Christmas parties in the next day or two, but you still have the New Year events coming up; and you cannot forget your party etiquette. There are always etiquette rules that apply in every situation, no matter how dated they seem. Be sure to employ the proper etiquette at all holiday parties to which you were invited to ensure you don’t make one of the biggest party guest faux pas around; your hostess really can’t stand when guests make this etiquette mistakes.
Do Not Bring the Uninvited
If your host tells you to bring a friend to her holiday party, bring one. If she doesn’t specify, assume she doesn’t want too many people in attendance and don’t bring anyone. Your hostess might have spent weeks meticulously planning a sit down dinner only for one guest to ruin her entire arrangement with an uninvited guest. Or maybe she simply doesn’t have the space for extra people and didn’t want to leave any of her loved ones off her guest list; follow the hostess’ lead because it’s good etiquette.
Do Not Show Up Early
If your invitation says the party begins at 6, it begins at 6. Do not show up at 5:55. Do not show up early. Your hostess isn’t ready yet and all you’re doing is causing her unwanted stress. She’s probably just now throwing on her dress and shoes, fixing her makeup and putting the final touches on her party. It’s fine to show up at 6, but it’s also inappropriate to show up any later than 6:15 unless you let your hosts know you will be on the later side.
Don’t Make a Mess
Yes, parties are messy and your hosts understand their house is not going to look amazing when the guests leave. However, be a good guest and do your part. Don’t leave your empty plates lying around. Don’t drink red wine in the one room with the white carpet. Don’t spill and then leave your spill without trying to wipe it up. Essentially, treat this house as you would your own and be a good guest.
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