Imagine you are just having a nice day inside with your family, but you decide that maybe it’s time to take a dip. But to your surprise your backyard has some guests that might prohibit you from entering the pool. This week, video was released showing a most surprising find in a backyard in Rockaway, Township, New Jersey.
The Basso family found a black bear and her five cubs jumping in to cool off in their backyard pool. The mother and cubs were seen playing and frolicking joyfully. Tim Basso was watching the bears frolic in the pool with his two daughters, ages 3 and 5, who are heard offering commentary throughout the video alongside their mother and father. The Bassos posted three videos of the bears to YouTube. And yes, we decided to share them all with you. Can you even imagine this happening in your own yard? What in the world do you do? Luckily all the Bassos are OK and we’ve got this to entertain us but wow!