When it comes to choosing a college, whether you are going back to school a bit later in life or just starting fresh out of high school, you have some serious considerations to make. Aside from the fact that you have to figure out how to pay for college (student loans are a terrible idea, FYI) and where you want to go, you have to figure out what you want to do with your life. If you already have a dream and know, good for you; now go find something else to read. However, if you aren’t sure what you want to be when you grow up, perhaps knowing which college majors you can choose that have the highest starting salaries might make the decision a bit easier for you.
Petroleum Engineering – $102,300
Chemical Engineering – $69,600
Computer Engineering – $67,300
Nuclear Engineering – $67,000
Computer Science and Engineering – $66,700
Electrical and Computer Engineering – $66,500
Electrical Engineering – $65,900
Aerospace Engineering – $64,700
Electronics and Communications Engineering – $64,100
Materials Science and Engineering – $64,000
These are the full time jobs with the highest beginning salary fresh out of college with that (engineering, apparently) degree. Each one has a lot of room for growth, and some of that depends on where you live. By the time you’ve been in the industry for a while, you’ll be well on the way to making 6-figures every year.
While they might not sound like super exciting jobs, they are jobs that do require you have a special degree of knowledge, and they are jobs that hire well and pay well. There is always demand for people in these fields, which is what we like to call job security. In a world in which that’s just not something we can count on all that often, it’s a pretty nice job benefit for recent grads.
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