It is, perhaps, the most genius idea I’ve heard all day. granted, it is only 11 am and my morning was spent getting two kids ready for school, taking my twins to the supermarket and answering questions like, “Are your boy/girl twins identical?” despite their very different anatomy and the fact that they look nothing alike, and then urging them not to eat food off the floor. So genius ideas in my day to day schedule typically range from “It’s five o’clock somewhere,” to “why not charge people $1000 and become a professional bridesmaid so that they can focus on having fun with the people they actually want in their wedding party and I can do all the hard work?”
In all seriousness, though, people do that. It’s a real job. You can get paid to go to weddings, have fun dancing and drinking it up and witnessing love and affection and drunk Aunt Sally hitting on the inappropriately young groomsmen right in front of her husband and just after telling the bride’s mother she looks fat in her dress. If you’re looking for a creative way to make a little extra cash, why not consider becoming a professional bridesmaid? It’s a real job, and brides will pay for this. It’s not because they don’t have friends that they want in their wedding party (well, most brides); it’s because they want to keep their friends after the wedding.
The point is that the real bridesmaids get to have all the fun without any of the work. You, on the other hand, are hired help. You do all the heavy lifting and bridesmaid duties while the real party has a ton of fun and you make sure that the bride’s big day is seamless. It’s actually not a bad gig if you’re getting paid for it. I know from my experience as a former bridesmaid (I say former because all my favorite girlfriends are married now and my time has come to an end as a bridesmaid) that it is a lot of work, and oftentimes it does feel as if you should be getting paid for it. You’re doing the bride two favors; helping her have a dream wedding day and ensuring that all potential bridezillas get to keep their besties after the big day – and you’re getting paid to do it.
Read on to find out exactly how you can turn yourself into the Olivia Pope of wedding parties.
Apply for the job
You can apply for a job with a company that hires out professional bridesmaids. Bridesmaids for Hire is a network created by a woman, Jen Glantz, to help ensure that brides are getting everything that they want on their big day. You can work for her and learn the ropes before you strike out on your own, or just work with her for the fun of it. Her company does everything from hire out virtual bridesmaids to full-on wedding party members who show up and wear the dress and help the bride hold up her own dress so she can use the bathroom after one too many champagne cocktails. Hey, it’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it.
Get organized
If you want to become a professional bridesmaid (and who doesn’t when it sounds like this much fun?), you need to get organized. You have to have skills to do this job. Despite what it might sound like, it’s not a job that just anyone can do. You have to be organized, understand weddings and be a little bit bossy and in control. You can’t be rude, but you need to make sure you have what it takes to be a good bridesmaid. You have to be willing to hold back the hair of the bride when she has too much to drink, you have to be willing to handle that annoying aunt that RSVPs for more than she was permitted, and you have to be able to tell the caterer that the food does not taste amazing and that she better try again, stat, before you have to handle her.
Start your business
You can start your own business, too, but simply beginning a website. Show off photos of you in weddings, list your skills and have your friends attest to what a great bridesmaid you are. You can start a site offering different packages and making it well-known that you can do just about anything for the right price. But you’re going to want to do your research first and find out what brides are willing to pay for particular services so that you can price everything accordingly. After all, you want to make money off what you’re doing for these women.
Advertise your skills
Start by putting your card in bridal shops, salons, bridal magazines, and even on bridal websites. List your site on social media and make sure that word of mouth gets around from your friends. This is a great way to advertise your business, and a very simple one. It doesn’t take much to pick up a card at a salon and start thinking about what a great investment it is to pay $1000 to a woman to do all the hard work for you so that your great friends and real bridesmaids can just show up and have fun on your wedding day so that they don’t have to worry about the responsibility of doing all that hard work on their own.
The concept is a good one. Who knows, maybe you and your friends can get together and do this for fun as a team. It sounds like an amazing way to start a really successful business making money having a good time. After all, a wedding suddenly seems a lot more fun if you’re getting paid to be in it. And there’s always the idea that you get a free meal and cocktails out of it, too (and if you’re single, there are also the groomsmen…).
Photo by Vince Bucci/Getty Images