15 Amazing Advantages of Living On The Coast


Here are 15 advantages of living on the coast. Whether you know it or not, it’s a great place to thrive as an individual or a family.

More sunlight


The coast indeed gets a lot more weather as well. But more sunlight on the coast is common in many regions and can benefit a person in many ways, from Vitamin D to an improved immune system.

The views are insanely beautiful


There’s beauty to be found throughout the world from the coastal regions to the highest mountains. But on the coast, the sunsets and the sunrise are even more amazing.

Rolling waves make for a relaxing sound


Not everyone thinks this way, but many would agree that the sound of waves breaking on the shore is relaxing. It’s the type of noise that can lull a person to sleep since it’s so constant.

You live next to one of the best places to swim in the world


It’s like having a giant, free swimming pool. You do need to be careful of riptides and being pulled out to sea. But if you can get past this, the ocean is a fun place to play.

There are plenty of leisure activities you can engage in


If you have a boat or know someone who has a boat, there are plenty of recreational activities to engage in. Especially since there are typically coves, bays, and other inlets along the coast that allow for a good time.

It does help your status in life


This does depend on which coast you find yourself, but the truth is that many people are going to envy your lifestyle. Even if you’re a hardworking individual who lives on the beach, many people will express their jealousy.

You’re closer to nature


Again, depending on where you’re located since some cities are situated on the coast, you’ll be that much closer to nature. This helps a lot of people to relax and slow down just a little.

It’s a place where you can find your inner self


It sounds a little cheesy, but the coast is typically a peaceful place where you can harmonize with your surroundings. In this way, you can find a way to breathe easier.

Appreciating your surroundings is easier


There is a quiet majesty on the coast that makes it easier to appreciate what you’re seeing and what’s there to be enjoyed. From the coastline to the mountainous or forested regions only a short way off, the coast is a place where your mind can be at ease.

It can improve your health


Very often the air coming in off the sea is cleaner, more refreshing, and can help with many different ailments. You might find that you sleep better on the coast and even breathe easier.

Tourist season


It’s not always a bonus, but tourism is a big business and keeps many coastal towns running. When the weather turns nice and people start arriving, many business owners are typically ready and willing to serve those who visit their homes.

You can lower your grocery costs


If you go fishing, grow your own fruits and vegetables, and become self-sustainable, your costs will lower. You have an entire ocean filled with things to eat.

The coast is a great spot for a farm


If you can learn how to sustain a farm, this is a great spot for it. Pick a place well away from the beach and you’re good to go.

It’s a great home base to keep


If you like to travel, it’s a great spot to come back to. It’s like taking another vacation from a vacation.

The wildlife is amazing


There are so many different animals to witness at the coast that it’s easy to think you won’t see them all for a while. From little tidepools to boating trips to hikes in the forest, the coast is rich in wildlife.


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