Think about this; when you’re 90 years old and sitting on your rocking chair drinking a glass of sweet tea (or sky diving off the coast of Peru with your 45-year-old boyfriend; there’s no reason that’s not plausible) what is it that you want to remember about your life? You certainly don’t want to have any regrets, since life is far too short for that nonsense. Imagine yourself in that situation and think about what it is you really want to do before then. Everyone has a list of things they want to accomplish and here are three things everyone should do at least once in your life.
Own a Home
Maybe you think it will tie you down or that you won’t ever find yourself in a position where homeownership is really for you, but everyone should have a place to call their own at least once. Maybe you try it, hate it and move on after selling. Maybe you always buy. Whatever you do, you should own at least one home in your life to say that you’ve really made it.
Take a Road Trip
No one is saying you have to drive from one side of the country to the other (because let’s face it; I don’t do car trips longer than two hours – and that’s to the airport) but you should try a road trip at least once in your life. Preferably in a convertible, with no time frame and nothing on your agenda. Just do yourself a favor and take the scenic route.
Take a Leap of Faith
Maybe you’re like me and you are a planner to a fault. There’s nothing wrong with that, but sometimes the best times and the best decisions you’ll ever make require taking the road less traveled; the one that is considered a leap of faith. So you’re not sure it’s a good idea, you’re not entirely comfortable with it and it scares you to death. Do it anyway. You might learn something valuable about yourself and walk away from your decision a little wiser for it or you might change your life for the better.