Girls night out does not have to cost a fortune or even mean that you and your favorite ladies have to go out. All it means is that you lovely ladies can have some fun and some entertainment on your own, in a way that involves getting out of the house, away from the kids and away from the responsibility of real life. It’s a nice idea for most women who have a group of friends with whom they enjoy spending time uninterrupted. Time away from life with the women who mean the most to you is so necessary for most women because of the fact that you have to have that quality time. Life so often gets in the way of the things that you have to do with one another, and carving out a little time for yourselves in between that and all that happens in life is so good for you. With that in mind, we have a few simple suggestions for inexpensive, fun girls’ nights out.
Have a Mani/Pedi Party
You don’t have to go out to have a good time. Instead of spending a small fortune on a salon trip so that people can judge the state of your hands and feet in another language, do it at home. Bring your materials and spend the afternoon together getting your mani/pedi on. You’ll appreciate the outcome and the fun you have in between. Just open a window with all that nail polish going on.
Have a Pinterest Party
This is a good one. This is a chance for you to host a party that is going to allow you to do something spectacular. Pick a craft or a project or a meal you’ve been dying to try and go for it. Have everyone get together and make a wreath or wall art hanging or whatever it is that you want to do so that you can enjoy some time together.
Hit up Happy Hour
Happy hour is always fun, primarily because you get to have more fun for half the price. It’s a fun, inexpensive way to spend some time unwinding with the women you love the most. You’re bound to make some memories here, and you’re not going to feel like you want to go home following all this fun.
See a Movie
We all know that Valentine’s is just around the corner, and that means that it’s time for a certain movie to hit theaters. You all read it, now go ahead and get the girls together and go see it. It’s going to be a blast, and you all know it. It might be something you’d rather watch with the man you love most, but I’d recommend waiting until it comes out on DVD so you can watch that one from the privacy of your own home.
Share Tapas
Tapas make a great date night. You can head to your favorite tapas restaurant and share a great selection of meals you all want to try and share, and you can enjoy every bite of it. Pick and choose, share and enjoy a full meal that costs only a few dollars a plate by the time you get through ordering different items and sharing them around the table.
Go Dancing
Who doesn’t love to spend a night out dancing with their girlfriends? It’s more fun than dancing with your husband, and it’s something that you can’t deny. Your friends will have an amazing time line dancing and letting loose with one another. What’s even better about this is that it’s exercise, and that’s something to help you feel less guilty about a night out.
Game Night
What’s more fun than a night of friendly competition and fun? Game night is always a blast, especially if you get games everyone can play and enjoy. The more challenging the better; and make sure you win. The more you play, the more you will laugh. The more you will laugh, the more memories you will create with the women that mean the most to you in the world. These women are so important to you, so go ahead and make sure that you create memories together.
Have a Coffee Date
It’s something you can do a thousand times a day without actually thinking much of it, but go ahead and do it with your girlfriends. You’d be surprised just how much time you can waste one evening after work in a coffee shop with women who make you laugh, challenge you and bring to the table a new kind of intelligence and interest. They’re fun, you’re fun, and coffee is delicious enough to have anytime of the day. But maybe you better go with decaf if it’s a night out.
Go Sing Karaoke
Here you go; what’s more fun than a night out singing karaoke with the women you love most? How about singing songs you listened to growing up, songs that will make you remember the good ‘ole days? These are the songs that are going to bring to the surface memories that are going to cause smiles, laughter and some seriously hilarious reminiscing. Hey, remember that time you all went to that one place and that one guy was like, and then that other guy was totally laughing? You can fill in those blanks; I know you want to.
Have a Scandal Marathon
It doesn’t have to be an evening of Olivia Pope, but we don’t see why it can’t be. There is something you love to watch and you should watch it with the ladies you love most. What about the Bachelor? That’s a good one for a group of women to watch together. Chances are pretty good you can sit down and pick the winner from the first night, and we think that you will have an insanely good time spending hours in front of the television drinking too much wine and laughing yourselves into a fit at the antics of these crazy, desperate women looking for love.
Photo by Janette Pellegrini/Getty Images for Hamptons Magazine