Bridesmaids; you have to love them. I mean, you don’t have to love them, but you probably do love them since you did ask them to stand up with you on the most important day of your life. These are women that are among the most important people in your life, and they have been there for you – and vice versa – for a long time. They are your best friends, your confidants, and your sisters. They’re the women you would trust with your life, and the women who you can’t imagine living your life without. Yet the moment you get engaged and begin planning your wedding these women become insane and drive you nuts. Or maybe you become insane and imagine that they’re nuts because you’d like to shift the blame elsewhere so that you don’t have to face the harsh reality that you might have gone a little bit off the deep end.
That’s neither here nor there, however. It doesn’t matter who might be a little crazy, who might be a little annoying and who might be driving whom nuts. What matters is that sometimes bridesmaids, crazy or not, say things that are really annoying. And we have 10 of their most annoying comments right here for your reading pleasure.
1. I Wish I Could Help More
Then help more. Don’t say it if you’re not doing it. We get that you’re busy; we are all busy. But nothing is more annoying that listening to someone tell you she’s in the middle of a spa day and she’s so looking forward to sleeping in and going out to meet guys while simultaneously telling you that she’s just so jam packed with stuff she can’t help you with the wedding planning. Sure thing, sister. No one expects you to stop having a life, but if you take on the role, you should do the job.
2. I Wish I Looked Better in my Dress
Your passive aggressive way of telling us that you hate your dress is not lost on brides (do you like how I say us like I’m the bride when I’m about to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary in less than two months). As a bride, I loved the dresses my bridesmaids picked 10 years ago, and they said they loved them, too (they chose them, so they should). As a former bridesmaid several times over, I’ve liked one dress I’ve paid for. And I can assure you that my mouth stayed closed to the brides about my dislike over the rest.
3. Do you Care if I Bring my New Boyfriend?
Space; when you’re a bride, you get it. If you didn’t get an invite for a plus one, don’t ask for a plus one. It’s not that brides don’t want you to have someone, but space is sometimes very, very limited. And the budget is also a factor; so don’t presume.
4. I Don’t Look Good in that Color
Sorry – brides (mostly) want their friends to feel beautiful, but if they take into account 7 women who all hate a different color, everyone would have to wear a different color or show up nude – and someone would still complain about that (not the groomsmen, FYI). We can’t always have what we want, and it’s not easy on the bride to make everyone happy.
5. Are You Worried about Him at the Bachelor Party?
Most brides worry a little bit, yes. Even with full trust, there is always the thought that he might be too inebriated or too pressured or too whatever to make a good decision that night. And other brides aren’t worried at all, but they don’t need their friends planting seeds of worry in their garden of pre-marital bliss. Just a thought.
6. Okay, So Just One More Time: What’s the Plan for the Day Again?
This is why brides print out time lines and pass them out. This is why other bridesmaids begin thinking the bride has lost her mind. It’s always that one friend who can’t keep it together enough to remember what she has to do and when she has to do it that makes brides go all schedule crazy.
7. Oh, I Can’t be There that Early
Oh, well, when you accepted an invitation to be part of this wedding, you kind of, sort of, maybe accepted an invitation to, you know, BE THERE. So you have to be there. You probably have months – yes MONTHS – worth of notice on hand, so go ahead and just pencil in the bride for that entire day and probably the night before. There; problem solved.
8. I’ll Buy my Dress This Week…
There is a time frame in which you must order that dress so that it arrives in time for the wedding. Additionally, doing this in a timely manner eliminates a bit of stress from the bride, who already has enough stress in her life at the moment. If you are having financial issues, talk to the bride. Let her know. Don’t just keep making empty promises.
9. You Just Want to be Prettier than Me, LOL!
Bridesmaids; remove your shoes and step right on into the shoes of the bride (aren’t they fabulous?). Think about this one: Who do you want to be the most beautiful woman at your wedding? Oh, you? Huh…interesting. Brides don’t want their friends to look atrocious in their wedding, but they do want to be the prettiest one up there. Just a thought.
10. OMG, I’m STILL Hungover
OMG, please, please, please just don’t. First and foremost, you shouldn’t find yourself in a situation in which you are hungover in the first place. We all know that rehearsal dinner is fun and the wine consumption following said dinner when all the ladies are together is also fun, but please be responsible. The bride really does not need to worry about you vomiting on her dress, getting sick or looking a bit green in her wedding photos. And she really does not want to listen to you complain all day long on the day that’s all about her and the love of her life. So get it together, cut yourself off or get going.