We think we know what men need, don’t we? We really believe we have got them all figured out. Most of the time, we are flat-out wrong in thinking we understand them.
What men truly need is very different from what we need. As women, we need their love, devotion and time so we believe that they need the same thing from us. That is not so. Oh, they have those same needs but they are farther down on the list. Read this article and then talk to your man about it and get his opinion. I feel comfortable wagering he will agree with this article.
Men need your respect. They want to know that you think highly of them. They want to know that you value them for who they are, what they do and what they stand for.
Men need admiration. This goes hand in hand with respect. They want you to internally respect them but to also admire them openly. They want to hear what you think of them. They want to be told how valuable they are to you, how much you appreciate what they do for you and what is good about them as a person.
Men need you at your best. When a man loves you, they will be there for you in good times and in bad and support you with devotion. But really, men need us at our best. They really don’t want to fill the position of our girlfriends, listening as we share our problems and painstakingly make our way through them. They want you to be available for their enjoyment; to laugh with, to have fun with and for companionship.
His needs aren’t wrong any more than yours are, they are simply just different and when we understand that we can be a much happier couple.