Driving your Ferrari up to your multi-million dollar beach house in the tropics is not what makes you happy. All right, that would make most people happy, but fortunately it doesn’t mean that everyone else is doomed for eternal misery. Many mistakenly believe that a fancy lifestyle is what will make them happy, but the truth is that it is the small things that bring the most joy into anyone’s life. Ask any mom with homemade Mother’s Day cards hanging on her fridge, or any woman whose husband has ever come home with an unexpected gift for no reason other than the fact that he was thinking about her (not because he did something wrong, wants something expensive or because it’s a holiday). These three unexpected things will help you to feel more joyful in an instant.
One way to bring instant joy to any person or any room is with a sunflower. With its sun-like appearance, its human-like face and its gorgeous color, there isn’t anything about it that invokes anything but absolute happiness.
The Road Less Traveled
Have you ever pulled into your garage after work and thought, “How did I get here?” because you have no memory of the ride home? Taking the same route every time you go to the grocery store, head home from work or drop the kids off at school is human nature; routine is comforting and people don’t like to deviate much from it. However, taking a new route, the longer ride or the more scenic tour of town on the way home is proven to improve your mood and make you feel more positive emotions.
Light Up
No, not a cigarette or any other foul-smelling item that calls for a lighter; your candles! Stop saving your favorite candles for when you have company, light them whenever you feel like it. The scent of something fresh and wonderful will have your spirits lifting and your level of happiness will increase